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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor 40's

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I just recently heard from the bauer rep at my store that NBH is coming out with a new vapor 40 skate. Has anyone seen or found pictures of the skates ? And will it be Vapor XXXX or Vapor XL ?

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I just recently heard from the bauer rep at my store that NBH is coming out with a new vapor 40 skate.  Has anyone seen or found pictures of the skates ? And will it be Vapor XXXX or Vapor XL ?

Welcome to the board.

You will learn quickly that the SEARCH button is your best friend. People around here HATE topics that keep coming up in new threads. This one is especially notorious and has a bad background with one of the heads of this forum. Your membership might be cut a little short lol. ;)

Want to understand this "joke"? Take my advice and use the search button.. try "XL" or "XXXX 40".

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Feel blessed child, moving your topic was my first action as an Ass. Mod.

And you are doing a great job being an Ass. mod. ;)

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does anyone know when the vapor 40's are gonna be out, around how much they will cost, and if there will be a new supreme skate in june?

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