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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just want to go on record saying.....

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The NBA is the only league in the world more fucked up than the NHL and nobody seems to notice. The vaunted Lakers needed a freebie layup with a couple of seconds left to get 51 points in three quarters. Despite all of their "talent" none of the current teams could hang with the Celtics, Pistons, Lakers or even Blazers of the 80's or 90's.

The only time someone takes a jump shot is when they have to or because they don't feel like sharing. It used to be a great team sport, now it just sucks ass.

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I agree. Personally, the only time I will watch the NBA is the finals, other than that, NCAA basketball is where its at. It is so much more competitive and the players actually play with heart. What bugs be about the NBA is the calls that aren't made. In the NCAA, they actually call travelling.

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How do you really feel Chadd? HA HA HA

I would normally agree but it seems like your just trying to get your post count up. lol

Basketball is brutal. Not enough skill development (College), Its all about the money and short on skill. At least the lakers try scoring.

Bring back Showtime vs the Bad Boys. That was basketball!!

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Being a Celtics fan, I hated the Lakers but they played a fun style of ball to watch. The damn coaches are ruining the game, let the players play the last two minutes instead of fouling everyone but the cheerleaders, that comes later.

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I think they are trying to appeal to their growing younger (and from the looks of it) dumber audience. If they aren't able to see some razzle dazzle then they won't watch.

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Showtime was the ultimate razzle dazzle. If it doesn't go in the hoop, it was pointless.

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Despite the overuse of Iverson, the coaching of Larry Brown, and being a fan, I thought the sixers were fun to watch a few years ago. Maybe I'm biased, it was a fun playoffs back in '01.

I actually like the Pistons this year besides their boring offense. At least it's polished basketball instead of an all-star game or something.

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The Lakers had TWO players, only two players, in double figures for points last night! :angry: Less than 70 pts scored!?!

That's not team play. If it weren't for Detroit's offense scoring so low, this would be over without having to play the games.

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I hear ya Chadd, being an old school Celtics fan myself, I haven't seen any reason to watch the NBA since the late eighties. It's pretty much a pampered punk league now, short on teamwork and talent and high in bling. If these guys were half as talented at teamwork as they are at avoiding criminal charges and being detestable humans off the court the league would be in a different class.

It's a five-individual sport...


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If you think about it... it's kind of amazing. Phil Jackson uses the triangle offense, which should at least have 3 people working as a team. Basketball has been terrible to watch for years now. I have no clue how it does better than hockey.

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If you think about it... it's kind of amazing. Phil Jackson uses the triangle offense, which should at least have 3 people working as a team. Basketball has been terrible to watch for years now. I have no clue how it does better than hockey.

Because they market the hell out of the players. People tune in to watch the individuals as much as the teams abd those individuals are on the floor for most of the game. Outside of Cheli or Borque in their prime no NHL player puts in even 40 minutes in a regular season game. These jokers put in 40 a night, usually standing around watching another guy with th eball trying to do it all himself.

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It still doesn't make sense to me. They might as well just put Streetball on TV and not pay these jokers $30M a year.

And you might say that baseball markets the players, but you really don't get to see them playing all that much. Four at bats a night and a couple plays in the field. And if it's someone like Bonds, he only gets one or two at bats a night because he gets walked so damn much.

IMO, the NHL needs to get people to go to games in order to get them to actually like the sport. Unfortunately, that won't happen in Canada where a team would actually be appreciated. While it's nice to get some towns deep in the playoffs so people will actually start watching in non-hockey town type of cities, none of these teams have actually sustained playoff success, so the city forgets about them in a year or two.

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Baseball used to be the biggest game in town but it's never going to be that way again. The NHL needs more people to play hockey, that's the best way to improve the fan base in non-nhl cities.

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Being a Celtics fan, I hated the Lakers but they played a fun style of ball to watch. The damn coaches are ruining the game, let the players play the last two minutes instead of fouling everyone but the cheerleaders, that comes later.

Word, I'm a Celtics fan too, but I'm sorry to say that they are even more dissapointing than the Bruins. Fouling the cheerleaders lol :lol:

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The NHL needs more people to play hockey, that's the best way to improve the fan base in non-nhl cities.

IMO, hockey is too expensive of a sport for people to just start playing. If they went to games and saw what kind of sport it is, then they might start to play. The reason why basketball is so popular is because it's cheap, readily available, and easy to get a game going.

And you can't get around the last two minutes of a basketball game. If you're down by a couple baskets, the only choice you have is to foul someone. Otherwise, you only have 4 possessions at most to come back and win the game.

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They need a rule for the last two minutes of the game - foul shots and retain possession of the ball. That would really tidy up the last minutes of the game. Might be anti-climactic, but would speed it up from the snail's pace it goes at now.

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They don't want to keep the game going. Not only does it give the chance for the other team to win, but it drags it out and allows for more commercials. And if the team does come back and tie the game, it goes into overtime which makes the networks more money. I highly doubt you'll see the end of basketball games get any faster.

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I agree about the expense of hockey, no way around that. There's no way someone is going to try going to a hockey game with ticket prices as they are and prices aren't going to go down. Even with a new CBA, ticket prices won't go down at all.

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