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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pros who use Vector gloves

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Hey guys,

Just wondering how many Pros you've seen who wear the Vector gloves. I have only seen Ovie and Thomas Vanek. The reason I'm asking is that when the XXX gloves came out it seemed like tons of pros jumped on the band wagon. Now, that might have more to do with their dominance of the market, but it seems like the Vector gloves have been slow to catch on. Anyone know of any other pros that wear them?

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They are old now.. going on what? 2 years. Pros tend to stick with the latest. You will probably see a few in one90s this year.

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They are old now.. going on what? 2 years. Pros tend to stick with the latest. You will probably see a few in one90s this year.

Peca has them on on the cover of the US version of the hockey news, last week or the week before, think it was the week before

EDIT: The One90 gloves look nice in leafs colours (pains me to say that!!)

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The name roll looks obnoxious

Are you giving your opinion, or saying thats why pros don't wear them?

My opinion on the look, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. You want pros in your gear, bribe them.

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