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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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People used/have One90's Got a Q

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I had a player bring One90s last night with the same exact problem at the front with the blade. Do not bother to tighten. Remove the blade and reset. That is what I did and the blade sat snug in the holder afterwards.

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I had a player bring One90s last night with the same exact problem at the front with the blade. Do not bother to tighten. Remove the blade and reset. That is what I did and the blade sat snug in the holder afterwards.

Yea, you can clearly see thru the holder the difference in where the blade is set on a tight one vs. a clicking one. Again, I see no problem as of yey, even though it clicks a bit, the blade is not loose, wierd.

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actually jr thats not entirely it, it does have to do with the skate materials cause the XXX is a 2 minute bake, the one90 is a 3, yet the XXX needed 24 hours

Damn, I must've had too much beer yesterday. My bad :)

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k one90s are hurting in mid foot on the edge area....but got used to them around 3rd ice time....About the blades yea i heard lots from ppl with one90's. i asked my buddy and he said that many have the blade loose in the fron and changed the current holder . As u can see (cuz its see through now cool!) one on the back on the one90s. The old ones had 2...one on the front and back. So thats i guess a bid downside to the one90s......

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Good news then because I'm already using the old dog excuse and leaning towards getting them put on eventually, but wanted to give the new holders a fair shake.

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I hear ya. I've been fighting the temptation to switch them out to PITCH - not that's there's something wrong with LS2P, but just for the hell of it.

More than for the hell of it, the PITCH steel is awesome, holds an edge great and not much pitting if any. They don't snap like potato chips either. A good choice if one was to make a switch.

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