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How do you handle assholes during rat hockey?

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There always seems to be one guy in every rat hockey game I've played in that barks at everyone from the bench like he's an NHL coach; telling them what to do and where they've screwed up.

What do assholes in your rat sessions do and how do you handle them?

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We have a goalie that shows up sometimes who constantly harasses us with hints and tips to be better defenders lol... When we get scored on he always blames the defense... you should have played him that way, you should have done this blah blah blah.. so one time I turned around and said maybe if you'd stop a few pucks we'd be ahead lol... oh and by the way, you should have come out more on that shot, played butter fly on that one etc... Never heard him again lol

I mean it's ok to give some tips here and there and honnestly you don't need to be the best player out there to give tips either. You only need to know the game. Sometimes a player does the same mistake over and over. You can say, I've noticed that you do this and get caught all the time, when said right, the player will aknowledge it and do differently next time. You gotta remember that players sitting on the bench have a better view of the action and of all the players on the ice and some tips are sometimes quite welcomed and will help us be better players no matter what level we play at or how good we are..

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If it happens in pickup I just ignore it. As you say, it happens a lot. Since it is just pickup, I couldn't care less since there is nothing at stake and I may never see the guy again. So why get worked up about it myself ?

What annoys me more is when it happens on my (men's league) team because I know I might have to hear that for a full season. Even then, if you ignore them in an obvious, but not too obvious way, they will usually get the message. If that fails, the situation may call for a well placed "Coach, please STFU".

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Trick I learnt from our goalie. If the coach/wanna be coach is talking shit and you know its going to annoy you listening to it then just move away. That is just stay on the rink and skate away from the bench, do little circles going at snail pace speed and just go through positive self talk...*talks to self* "Ok, I know Bob is gonna slap shit so when hes at the point, I'll rush and spook him, Benny will deke, watch that tip to skate deke, fancy and works, gotta pick up the back check that last goal they scored was too sloppy, coulda back checked that sucker way more and won."

Works for me and our Pro/State rep goalie. B)

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^even if it "just happened" to be going 3 feet wide....

When I go to drop in with my buddies we always yell at eachother from the bench and on the ice. when one of us goofs we crack on eachother and get eachother charged up. I've actually gotten into a fight with a guy I know well because of it. And we were playing on the same team that night. I egg him on even more now.

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^even if it "just happened" to be going 3 feet wide....

When I go to drop in with my buddies we always yell at eachother from the bench and on the ice. when one of us goofs we crack on eachother and get eachother charged up. I've actually gotten into a fight with a guy I know well because of it. And we were playing on the same team that night. I egg him on even more now.

That sort of thing is cool -- it's your friends and you're f'in around.

It's different when you've never met the guy.

Looking back, it seems to be mostly old farts -- gray hair jutting from their nose and skates from the Great Depression.

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I usually switch teams and let them block a shot

i like chadd's idea :D if i were bigger i'd do it to

on a serious note, i played pick up many times in west covina, and theres this guy who im always paired up with, i was still getting used to the big surface so i was making lot's of mistakes. he was able to give corrections and tips in a good way by dishing out a compliment first, honestly it really worked. when i got used to the rink already, and made the same mistake after a few pickup games that was the time he really got pissed and started shouting at me, though i cant blame him, that was a bad day. i just smiled at the old guy.

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I'm in a power skating course at nearby Rink, and we have this one old coot who thinks he's the hottest thing since tube skates.

Anyhow, we're doing a big passing drill and the coach specifically says "Okay, after you make your pass SLOWLY come up the ice then make a turn and receive a pass. Well this guy makes his first pass, screams down the wing, does a quick turn and then sees the defenseman doesn't have a puck to give him. So he starts banging his stick on the ice, then he throws his hands up in the air like the Dman is an idiot. Really pissed me off.

Oh, and the story doesn't end there. We play a scrimmage in the late stages. So here Mr. allstar, who earlier commented that it was the first session he's come to without a hangover, wheezing up and down the ice. Finally, the puck gets knocked up ice, and all he has to do is skate hard to beat the retreating Dman, and what does superstar do? He sucks wind and peels towards the bench, on what for anyone else would've been a partial-to-clearcut breakaway.

Seriously, don't give us shit in the drills if you can't even skate in the game. And lay off the doritos.

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we dont have rat hockey, but we have open hockey(skate and shoot)

we arent supposed to scrimmage but we allways end up doing it anyways.

anyways, the thing that pisses me off is when you have a kid who wont come off the ice and thinks he is the greatest, when really he sucks.

also, i hate when kids dont bring their own pucks to open hockeY!

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I hate when people steal my pucks or shoot them over the glass at open ice. Thats why I quit bringing my own years ago.


at our rink people are really bad about that.

after the open hockey i usually collect 4-5 pucks out where the ppl shoot them and leave them.

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Why dont you guys just front him?

Ask him why he stays out there so long, or why he coaches other people.

If he is a dick, then treat him like a dick.

And by the sounds of it, other people will have your back.

When an entire bench tells someone they are an annoying piece of skin, then they will usually keep quiet.

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