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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which one?

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I know it's stupid topic. I actually went through the search but couldn't find good explained about both sticks. Thus, Here I made comparision topic to see the difference.

Nike Bauer XXX Lite or Easton Stealth CNT?

Which one would you suggest for me?

(I play D )

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Are you playing Ice or Inline?

Ive have 2 XXX Lites and use one for inline and one for ice. That way the blade will last longer for each. The one for ice I have had for about a month and the blade is already practically broken.

Bought it brand new a month ago.

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i would definatley go with the cnt.

from what i have heard, the xxx lights break easily and the cnts are more durable.

I think that was mostly with the Bauer version of the XXX lites. I have 2 NBH ones, and one of them i've used for almost a month. This being on the ice 3-4 times a week at some points, and for 2 hours at a time. Midget AAA / Junior level. Not one crack or anything in it. Only damage is cosmetically to the sticker/paint chipping.

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Never mind MODS!!

I can still change it.


Isn't CNT one too wippy? I don't think I can even take a slapshot.

Too Whippy? Are you using an intermediate?

Whats your height/weight?

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Never mind MODS!!

I can still change it.


Isn't CNT one too wippy? I don't think I can even take a slapshot.

Too Whippy? Are you using an intermediate?

Whats your height/weight?

It's 110 flex. I just tried at LHS.

EDT: My weight is about 195lb and height is 6'0

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woah... did i just read that wrong, or did you say a 110 is too whippy? unless youre a body builder or something 110 should be pretty darn stiff. could it just be that youre used to extremely stiff sticks?

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Yeah, I have a 110 flex synthesis with a 3" butt end and it's broken in and feels pretty whippy.

I'd get the cnt, I don't like the xxxlite at all.

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Are you serious?

your a D and your using 2 top of the line sticks?

And 1 will break within a month guarantied.(xxx lite)

I would personally use a ST grip if I was a D good durability.

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i would definatley go with the cnt.

from what i have heard, the xxx lights break easily and the cnts are more durable.

I think that was mostly with the Bauer version of the XXX lites. I have 2 NBH ones, and one of them i've used for almost a month. This being on the ice 3-4 times a week at some points, and for 2 hours at a time. Midget AAA / Junior level. Not one crack or anything in it. Only damage is cosmetically to the sticker/paint chipping.

What ?!?!

That makes me mad!

Im on the ice that much, if not more and mine is breaking apart!

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Are you serious?

your a D and your using 2 top of the line sticks?

And 1 will break within a month guarantied.(xxx lite)

I would personally use a ST grip if I was a D good durability.

Like blade patterns, I don't think that your position should dictate what stick you use. It's all personal preference, but I see where you're coming from as far as it breaking it goes (as well as suggesting the ST as it's blade is supposedly stronger), since D-Men take more slap shots than forwards do and that leads to more breakages. And if his XXX Lite snaps in a month anyways, he can send it back and get a new one via warranty.

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Are you serious?

your a D and your using 2 top of the line sticks?

And 1 will break within a month guarantied.(xxx lite)

I would personally use a ST grip if I was a D good durability.

Like blade patterns, I don't think that your position should dictate what stick you use. It's all personal preference, but I see where you're coming from as far as it breaking it goes (as well as suggesting the ST as it's blade is supposedly stronger), since D-Men take more slap shots than forwards do and that leads to more breakages. And if his XXX Lite snaps in a month anyways, he can send it back and get a new one via warranty.

Exactly. I'm D and i'm using an XXX lite thats lasting me over a month being on the ice as much as i am. But i am moving to forward come tryouts. But still, the time i used it in games and Junior tryouts i was with the defense.

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Ima bout to bring back the wood.

When Im going through 10 OPS a season im just not gona spend $1000+ every 6 months on hockey sticks.

Goin back to the 'ole Bauer 1000!

(once i break my back up xxx lite that is)

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