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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth CNT Flex Issue

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I noticed at my lhs that all the int. 65 flex feel like 85-100 and the sr. models feel like ints.

Could it be that since the intermediates are more narrow, the reinforced corners are closer together, and therefore the shaft is stiffer? Just a thought.

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Yes, it's ridiculous. All the CNTs in my store feel really whippy for 100flex. Even more than my old stealth and even that feels as soft as 85 from the day I got it. Maybe people should just get 110s if they find the 100 so soft. If the 100 flex feels like an 85 and you don't like it, don't buy it just because that's what it says. If they're that whippy, then go 110 if you're used to playing with 100.

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