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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tore the sole on my custom F1s

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Doing drills today and we got into breakouts.. I took a sharp turn and it felt like my feet gave way. I couldn't skate anymore and my right foot couldn't hold any weight. I fell on back on my ass, took a look at my skate and I tore the rivits clean out of the heel of my tuuks. Not only did the rivits come out, but some of them took parts of the outsole with it making gaping holes where the rivits used to be (and preventing me from even thinking of repair). :unsure:

Looks im going to go get fitted for some new skates. My LHS has some RBK 7ks that would probably fit nicely but im not too hot on forking out $179 after having my custom work done on my f1s.. (damn I loved those skates). I would go back to Salming for another pair, but odds are they dont have them anymore and I really dont want to go back to tblades anyways.

Anybody else using the 7k non pumps? Heard they are pretty much identical to tacks.

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BK I am using 8k's and I really like em. They aren't as wide as a Tack (too wide for me), but wider in the heel and arch area then a Vector. The boot is about as deep as a Vector (no clue how deep a Tack is or an F1). Looks like they are based off the old Vector's.

Nice skate. I admit I was a little skeptical when I bought them being Reebok's and all, but once I skated in them I was sold. Love the lace lock feature! I can't speak for their durablity. I've only had them a few months.

I'm no pro or sales dude so take it for what it's worth. I did try on Vector's and I know I can't wear standerd width Tacks.

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yeah, you already have the custom + holders. Just see if you might be able to redo the job and maybe re-enforce the rivets somehow.

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Don't the T-blades have like 14 rivets on the holder? I'm sure that swiss cheese of the outsole contributed to the boot failing when he converted to TUUKs... I can see why you'd be skeptical about converting another pair.

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Don't the T-blades have like 14 rivets on the holder? I'm sure that swiss cheese of the outsole contributed to the boot failing when he converted to TUUKs... I can see why you'd be skeptical about converting another pair.

12 holes on my F1/t'blades, 14 on S500/Pitch

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Don't the T-blades have like 14 rivets on the holder? I'm sure that swiss cheese of the outsole contributed to the boot failing when he converted to TUUKs... I can see why you'd be skeptical about converting another pair.

After the nightmare last time, I think I will just stick with stock holders.

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Just an update..

I walked into my proshop today expecting to walk out in a pair of 7ks. I tried them on and they just didn't feel right. The heels were too big and it felt like I could shift my heel back and forth a little bit. I tried on some 892 tacks and they fit like a dream after a quick bake.

I ended up getting the 892 tacks instead. They look and feel like a good quality skate.. hopefully they are at least as nice as my old F1's :)

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