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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovys stick

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im not sure if its the latest issue, but the one with the bengals on the front has a story about sid and ovy. pretty good look at the new RBK gloves, but what stick is ovechkin holding in the big picture? its a light blue to black i think. did i miss something huge here or is this new? :unsure:

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The season preview will probably be like 2 pages.

THN has 72

.. good for thn and si sucks... and the purpose of your post is?....

anyway, saw the article and stick but have no idea what model it is....

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The season preview will probably be like 2 pages.

THN has 72

Actually there's around 30 pages of hockey in the SI.

As for the stick it looks like they're offering both grip and non-grip models as the stick has "Clear" marked on it, like Warrior does. They also look to have what the flex is on the Easton scale listed as well.

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