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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpening new skates?

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I just ordered a pair of 03 Easton Z-Airs. I have been using CCM 252 Tacks for years and it is well past time for an upgrade. I know that the new skates will be much stiffer. When I get them sharpened, do I need to specify that they are brand new? Are new skates sharp at all?

Thanks in advance,


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I just bought a new pair of Pro Tacks and I'm trying to decide if I should screw around with the radius or rocker.

I'm 5'6" 165 lbs. I've played forward most of my life but have been playing defense in men's league due to a lack of willing & qualified defensemen.

My games are played on a surface with average hardness, but the squirt team I coach plays/practices on the hardest ice in Wisconsin.

Any suggestions for how I should profile and sharpen my new blades? I've been using a 5/8 hollow, and I've never chaged the rocker or radius on my blades before.

Maybe I'll buy a second pair of cheap skates just to experiment with an aggressive rocker, smaller radius. Is that a good idea?

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See if you can find a shop that does a body balance chart. They will give you good balance and the most power and efficiency based on the information you give them.

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I just bought a new pair of Pro Tacks and I'm trying to decide if I should screw around with the radius or rocker.

I'm 5'6" 165 lbs. I've played forward most of my life but have been playing defense in men's league due to a lack of willing & qualified defensemen.

My games are played on a surface with average hardness, but the squirt team I coach plays/practices on the hardest ice in Wisconsin.

Any suggestions for how I should profile and sharpen my new blades? I've been using a 5/8 hollow, and I've never chaged the rocker or radius on my blades before.

Maybe I'll buy a second pair of cheap skates just to experiment with an aggressive rocker, smaller radius. Is that a good idea?

get them sharpened like you always have and see how it feels before you change anything.

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I understand that crossgrinding skates totally removes sharpness. Why do they crossgrind brand new skates?

New skates are not sharp, so the crossgrind doesn't do anything.

Most steel is laser cut, so I don't crossgrind new steel anymore. It doesn't save me any time, nor make the finished product any better. I just start them on a 60grit finishing wheel, does same thing.

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