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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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so i have a few friends who want to learn how to skate, and although ive been skating for quite some time now, im not a very good teacher

so what do you reckon is the first thing that i should be teaching?

i did try teaching someone how to skull once, but then they have problems getting their feet back together, any ideas on how to make that easier?

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First off, you want to build confidence. Confidence is the core if you wanna be good at any skill. So be a helper and skate with them slowly for a couple of laps around the rink, instructing them on keeping their balance and that you're there to help them not fall. Also tell them to bend their knees slightly cos it adds more grip to the ice. Just keep going around in laps until they feel ready to move on.

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First off, you want to build confidence. Confidence is the core if you wanna be good at any skill. So be a helper and skate with them slowly for a couple of laps around the rink, instructing them on keeping their balance and that you're there to help them not fall. Also tell them to bend their knees slightly cos it adds more grip to the ice. Just keep going around in laps until they feel ready to move on.

You're aboslutely right Quintin. A lot has to do with confidence. But confindence usually come with practice.

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so i have a few friends who want to learn how to skate, and although ive been skating for quite some time now, im not a very good teacher

so what do you reckon is the first thing that i should be teaching?

i did try teaching someone how to skull once, but then they have problems getting their feet back together, any ideas on how to make that easier?

Be a better friend and help them find an actual instructor. That way they can learn to skate correctly right from the start and not develop bad habbits. Let them know that you would be happy to go to public skates so they have a friend there while they work on what the instructor showed them.

Being a good teacher takes knowlegde, communication skills and patience. If you lack any of these then you are doing your friend a dis-service. Bad instruction is just as bad or worse than no instruction. It can lead to alot of frustration...and that usually makes people quit. It can also ruin a good friendship because somewhere down the line an argument will happen.

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Balance is key.

Have them skate around (public skate works) until they feel confident enough on their own away from the boards.

After that, have them skate around and at each blue line have them pick up a foot and skate on one. At the next blue line have them pick up the other.

This gives them a feel for their edges and helps develop balance. Remember, you never really skate on both skate at the same time.. one foot is usually off the ice.

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As much as we don't like to.......the skating lessons would be good...around me most figure skating clubs have lessons that might be helpful and inpartial.

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well yeah i know what you mean about lessons, but these are people who come visit every few months and just wanna go to some public skates with me for fun. im only wondering what steps i should take to teach them if and when they ask, i know theyre not serious about it or anything

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Teaching is NOT EASY.

Just because you can do it does not mean you can teach it. I know many Dad's who skate with my kids who can skate circles around me but they can't teach kids worth a darn.

Basic teaching goes something like this:

Discuss : Discuss what you will do and how it is done.

Demonstrate : show it by doing it yourself

Try : Have them try

Correct : Correct their mistakes.

The other day, a coach saw them not bending their knees enough when getting in close to the puck and they were like dominos. He stopped them and said "guys guys, bend you knees... now go get the puck". That did nothing for them. He did not demonstrate it, nor explain why. No matter what age you teach, everyone needs to understand why or they won't want to do it. You also have to show them then let them try it and try it long enough that they get it.

Have them get the Laura Stamm DVD or Book. Huron Hockey school is great for exercises/drills for skating.

If they can do a basic glide work on:

1) 2 feet glide with ankles straight

2) 2 foot c cut

3) 1 foot c cut

4) pick up 1 foot

For stoping, I like to have them just start out slow and put weight on one foot and lightly shave ice with the other. Have them progressively put more weight on the inside edge of the shaving ice foot.

One thing is key, if they are not progressing, you need to step back and simplify

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Maybe my advice sounds stupid, but the deal is to be on the ice as often as possible. People will get a feeling for the ice and soon they will find out whats better and what they should do different.

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About the skulling: it's easier if you have some speed and momentum. If they are beginning skaters they might not be going fast enough for them to easily pull the skates back together.

About the teaching: some people are natural-born teachers. If you are one of them, then keep teaching them. It's fun.

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About the teaching: some people are natural-born teachers. If you are one of them, then keep teaching them. It's fun.

Exactly. And on the reverse, if you can't teach to save your life: don't even try. Find them a person who is an actual instructor and they can teach them. But if there isn't another soul in your town that can teach people how to skate, just heed the advice of the MSHers that have already posted in this thread. Get on the ice with them as much as possible, and get their confidence up.

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