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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sharpening question

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Its amazing that players get to University level hockey without a clue about their blades! The skill and talent is there. Just take care of and learn about your equipment and you can still improve your game.

oh yeah,its crazy even seeign what some nhl'ers skate on

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Ok, so a coach of a club team asked me to do his skates. I did them at 1/2". After one day of skating he told me they felt slippery and that he lost his inside edge on BOTH of his skates. Remember, this is a coach. I could understand a player losing his inside edges after a hard day of hockey, but a coach? I checked them and they were still sharp. I asked him what he normally gets them and he said 3/8". I asked him if he was sure and he said yes, he's even taken sharpening classes before where he operated machinery and everything, so 3/8 is what he wants. He was a Div3 player and so I just figured he must know since he was so insistent. I really tried to convince him he didn't want 3/8, but I sharpened them for him anyway and gave them back to him yesterday at practice. I had a great belly laugh when he got on the ice and said "I don't even think I can stop.. they're way too sharp!"

Btw, he weighs 250.. 3/8 might work for someone who weighs half that. By the way, here is a good page on learning more about skate sharpening:


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Its amazing that players get to University level hockey without a clue about their blades! The skill and talent is there. Just take care of and learn about your equipment and you can still improve your game.

Whats even funnier is the Equipment guys at that level and higher not knowing anything about them eithere or Machine maintence.

I just saw a machine returned to a manfacture from a NHL team that hadnt been cleaned out or had the filter changed in over a year. I wonder why that team did so poorly last year. Nopt to mention I just got 5 of my players skates back after a road trip were the D1 school guy sharpened them all the heels were black and all of them were uneven. And this is a top school in the east.

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Its amazing that players get to University level hockey without a clue about their blades! The skill and talent is there. Just take care of and learn about your equipment and you can still improve your game.

It happens. I play with a guy who played college, minors in the US, and a couple of years in Europe. He just got a new pair of skates a couple of weeks ago and was telling us that the guy asked him what radius he wanted and he had no idea.

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How would I know? I never go there! Ask them and see how smart they are!! If you are on this board, you probably know more than they do.

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