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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vote for Michelle...

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for those of you keeping score, heres the complete list of "Diva's" with their current vote tally.

Diva's list

Thanks to all of your efforts we've got Michelle in first overall but only by a narrow margin. We still need your votes to keep her there. If you haven't voted yet, don't forget to... B)

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Upon further review, Kelly is way too smooth 'there.' I mean that's like a Barbie doll. Lkpt if you find out where to 'throw it in' give me a heads-up because at this point it looks like it'd be trying to put a hot dog in a basketball bladder.

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Gotta love the stripper.

So, is she skating tomorrow night? Might have to tell her I voted for her...;)

Unfortunately for JR, Michelle was a no show for last nights game. She was working.

Guess we'll have to get you over for some hot tubbing next time. :D

On that note...how about some more pics to help sway all of your votes.

Michelle's MySpace page...

Keep the votes coming!

BTW I have to tell you all, Miss Conduct and JR were hooking up all night on the pass across and JR did manage to snipe a sweet goal over my left shoulder just under the cross bar. I know he's a little modest so he wouldn't tell ya himself. Good game JR....great to have you out again!

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BTW I have to tell you all, Miss Conduct and JR were hooking up all night on the pass across and JR did manage to snipe a sweet goal over my left shoulder just under the cross bar. I know he's a little modest so he wouldn't tell ya himself. Good game JR....great to have you out again!

Knowing how JR plays, I can't tell you it's not luck...it's his stick ;)

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