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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wild Wild Fan

Looking for Skates

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Hi guys,

I've been looking to buy some new inline skates but my problem is that I don't really want a new model. The type I'm looking for is the Mission D1c skate. I would really be interested in purchasing some of them if I could only find them on the internet with sizes that people actually fit into or are not marked up at $500.

I'm not really wanting to buy any off MSH unless they are almost new because I like to make my skates last for as long as possible.

If any body could help me find some I'd really appreciate it.

And this is my first posting night on MSH, so I hope I can contribute my fair share! B)

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Check your LHS. Most LHS in the Wash DC area are 2 years behind in their top offerings. My LHS has Beemers and D1C still in inventory

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Wild, you still looking for skates?

HEY! I thought this topic died! Good thing it didn't.

hockey1933 - I am looking for D1c but I'm not in need of them as much anymore. Somebody else offered me an amazing deal, but if you've got the D1c's for me with the right size I might purchase both.

ExitTwoEighty - Usually all of my hockey skates sole come off. When I slide my foot out the sole sometimes comes out with it. I'm used to it. But thanks for the heads up.

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ExitTwoEighty - Usually all of my hockey skates sole come off. When I slide my foot out the sole sometimes comes out with it. I'm used to it. But thanks for the heads up.

He means the outsole that attaches the chassis to the boot not the insole ;)

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