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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Plane Crashes in NYC

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I will leave the flying stuff to the guys and gals who have devoted their lives and education to it thank you.

As will I, but if thats what they want to do, then im all for it. Just because someone is a professional athlete doesnt mean they're lives should be limited.

dont some contracts limit certain avtivities like motorcycles?

Most do have clauses about what players can (and can't) do with respect to off season/recreational activities...

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...the one that comes to mind immediately would be Aaron Boone - I believe he had a "no basketball" clause in his contract which he violated while with the Yanks.

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Lidle didn't sign the contract with the Yankees though. Not like Cashman didn't know about it when he looked at the contract before making the trade, but it wasn't worked up by the Yankees.

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Apparently the apartment he crashed into belonged to the lady that sued the city of New York when a streetlight fell on her head at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade a few years ago.

Prayers to Lidle's family.

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Lidle didn't sign the contract with the Yankees though. Not like Cashman didn't know about it when he looked at the contract before making the trade, but it wasn't worked up by the Yankees.

Lidle's contract with the Phillies had a clause that said he didn't get paid if injured in a plane. All Phillies contracts do.

Also, the Yankees (when its their contract) have a list an entire page long of what players cannot do. The list even includes bowling. Might seem a bit crazy, but thats the give and take when you hit the jackpot contract-wise

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