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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stolen sticks.

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Wow, that really sucks. I'm sorry to hear you guys have had all this stuff stolen.

The only things I've witnessed are:

1) In the locker room, at open hockey, wallets HANGING out of back pockets just asking to be stolen. Along with cell phones, keys, and etc. The first day of school as soon as I went out I told most of the guys they should probably go hide their stuff. One guy thanked me by calling me a "fag".

2) I had my PowerShirt stolen. It has the ribbing on the elbows to hold the elbow pads, so I guess that's why. They stole it while I was in the shower though. Meaning.. it was sopping wet with sweat. How f'ing nasty is that?

I say if they are desperate enough to take a sweaty ass shirt, they can have it.

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when i was at shinny some a$$hole took my keys in my jacket and drove off in my brand new audi tt. this was about 3 months ago. i couldnt belive it. the guy was never caught either.

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when i was at shinny some a$$hole took my keys in my jacket and drove off in my brand new audi tt. this was about 3 months ago. i couldnt belive it. the guy was never caught either.

:o Damn, that sucks dude. Someone was pretty bold to do that, I've heard of sticks getting jacked all the time but a car! Why the hell haven't they been able to catch the dickhead yet?

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when i was at shinny some a$$hole took my keys in my jacket and drove off in my brand new audi tt. this was about 3 months ago. i couldnt belive it. the guy was never caught either.

Maybe you can replace it with a car that your hockey equipment will actually fit into.

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I have a rivalry with this guy who thinks I stole a jersey from his bag. Every inline game he tries to check me and start a fight. Its quite pathetic considering A: Its obvious he has ADD and B: Even if I did steal the jersey he claims I did, Daddy drives a top of the line Merc and can afford to buy his messed up adopted son another 458378732864796439 jerseys.

He constantly chases me on the rink and always either gets kicked out of the game or I score 2-3 goals on him (he plays D). I seriously don't understand why he keeps trying to pull the same cheap moves over and over again.

PS: I recently found out he speaks Afrikaans so started telling him what I really think of him..... "Pielkop" ;)

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Worst I've ever had is I left a CCM practice jersey at a rink and it was gone when I came back the next day to check the lost and found. My mistake, although I was a bit ticked because it took two weeks to get the thing off Hockey Giant.

I'll make sure my new team does the wallet/key bag.

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At two of our local rinks theives were a problem. The first the thieves would come in the locker rooms during drop in's and search peoples pants and bagslooking for wallets.

The other rink they were looking for car keys and going out and searching peoples cars.

So we started to have one guy collect wallets and keys and take them to our benches and also look the locker room. So anyone late coming had to get the key from us.

AussieJoe just wondering, whats a pielkop?

It is penis head or dick head to us americans

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Side track, was playing interschool Football against a school set in the ghetto here. They stole all our wallets and two pairs of shoes! Funnily enough both sets of teachers agreed to bag searches and it was all found in the Ghetto school's main Football bag. Even though we got everything back it was too little too late at that stage as it didn't prevent the all in brawl once we discovered our wallets missing.

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