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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is what happens when you recruit at prisons.

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Why is a team like Miami playing a team like FIU in the middle of the season?

A lot of teams with national title aspirations will schedule games against a few relative non-conference weaklings to bolster their record (I'm not sure if this practice is less common with the BCS computer rankings taking into account strenght of schedule). Notre Dame is an exception, as an independent they don't get to play conference weaklings, but they usually schedule a lot of very tough games against prominent teams. They've taken flak from their alumni in the past because their schedule makes it very difficult for them to win a title. This year for instance they get Michigan and USC. They do play Army/Navy/Air Force but that can't be held against them as these are traditional games.

I know they earn a nice record after playing teams like FIU, and I think that is cheap. You mentioned ND playing a lot of ranked teams...and thats what I think a schedule should look like. My crummy MSU Spartans played ND, Michigan and Ohio State...not to mention some other decent teams like Pittsburgh and Penn State. Anyways, I don't think strength of schedule matters as much as it should.

I think games like that get out of hand because there is such a disparity in skill that it isn't even competitive.

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A lot of teams with national title aspirations will schedule games against a few relative non-conference weaklings to bolster their record

Are you making the implication that Miami actually had National Title aspirations...?

Sorry, J.R. ;)

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I heard UB (University at Buffalo) got like, $750,000 to play at Auburn this year. I believe they will also get $500,000 from Boston College and Wisconsin, as well.

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A lot of teams with national title aspirations will schedule games against a few relative non-conference weaklings to bolster their record

Are you making the implication that Miami actually had National Title aspirations...?

They probably did when they scheduled the games... not anymore though ! I wonder if that had anything to do with it...

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LOL he probably challenged Paul Dee (Miami AD) to a parking lot brawl afterwards. :)

Nah, he was gonna take the elevator down and get it taken care of in the tunnel.

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You guys see that dude come in there with his crutches ?!?1


Edit for Tohrs: Sp.

Edit for Drewhunz, its Torhs ;)

Touche ;) - don't edit, I don't know the combo for the accent on the e.

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