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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stiching on one90's

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I'am just wondering for all skates.

I was thinking about getting some missions but do I have to bake them?

It would seem that if I did not bake them they would last longer.

And I could just break them in myself (by skating) ^_^

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I'am just wondering for all skates.

I was thinking about getting some missions but do I have to bake them?

It would seem that if I did not bake them they would last longer.

And I could just break them in myself (by skating) ^_^

You don't have to bake any skates (except for KOR??)

I broke my first few pair in the old way. I started baking my skates a few years back and I don't think I can bring myself to just breaking them in the normal way.

It really doesn't do any damage to them. It is just a quick way of breaking them into your lower foot (which is a huge part of breaking them in).

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Baking skates shapes the boot to your foot. That is why your skates, particularly One90s, should be baked. You still have to break the skate in.

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I was wondering about the whole baking thing too... I have also heard that it weakens the skate... I have the one90's and have been wearing them around the house (with skate guards on) in hope of not baking them.. then others have said to get the full effect I should bake them... still sitting on the fence myself... I am also waitng for another pair as the sole on the right boot is not aligned properly on the skate!!

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I was wondering about the whole baking thing too... I have also heard that it weakens the skate... I have the one90's and have been wearing them around the house (with skate guards on) in hope of not baking them.. then others have said to get the full effect I should bake them... still sitting on the fence myself... I am also waitng for another pair as the sole on the right boot is not aligned properly on the skate!!

How did you determine that it was not installed properly and how "bad" is it that they have to be returned?

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