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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm currently located in HK, relocated there from Canada a few years ago. The local tv channels here don't broadcast hockey at all, not even the ESPN channels. Even during the winter olympics, I don't think they showed one single hockey event. I'm so hockey deprived rite now. Being brought up watchin hockey games on tv for the past twenty somewhat years, to going completely not being able to get a glimpse of it. I have to rely on watching reruns of a Japanese Soap opera that revolves around a hockey character to satisfy my hockey craving. Do you see how pathetic I've become? LOL~ So does anyone know if there's anything on the internet that'd allow me to watch a few hockey games? Complete games, not just highlights. Thnx.

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check out cif-forums! You'll have to download the whole torrents thing, but you can get almost any game. Also my friend was saying there is some link page you can get that streams hockey live outside of the US an Can, try to search for it through cif? Hope this helps??

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Are you specifically looking for NHL, and does it have to be free...? because B2 Networks offers every AHL Game in a high quality stream for 6 bucks per game...

theahl.com for info.

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