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how to make a girl friend?

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I dunno, to me it'd be obnoxious and weird if someone would go up for 5 min intervals then take off. I'd think it's to just relax a little so you're not doing all the weird stuff people do when they're nervous.

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maybe its playing hard to get? though if she doesn't come to you, you should probably just forget about it

Thats the one thing I was bad at. Not knowing when to give up. I never stalked a girl :P , but in my earlier days I just couldnt tell when they were playing hard to get or if they really didnt like me.

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Seems right. Talk to them for 5 mins then leave, see if they come find you later, if not, forget about it.

She also said to talk to the girls friend more than her.

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Triggering the jealousy gene. Devious.

doesnt work all the time

you make one bad move with her friends and your dead. call it quits after that

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It's to get the girl you want to talk to interested in you. If she sees you talking to her friend, her interest will be piqued. It's like trying to get a pet to play with something; if you play with it and they see you playing with it, they'll want it. These kinds of "advice" just always seem skeezy to me.

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My take was a bit different... more conversational, less direct = less confrontational

A way of easing into things without anything put at stake.

Makes me happy I don't get my knickers in a twist about any of that stuff anymore.

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These kinds of "advice" just always seem skeezy to me.

Exactly. I always just let my looks handle it. ;)

But seriously, I was always just straight forward and made sure she knew I was interested, instead of playing little mind games and using tricks with eyes...

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Definitely. Not to side with feminazis or anything like that but I really don't think girls get enough credit in these little nuggets of advice. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt that they'll see right thru someone if they come up spitting game.

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PS has this kid gotten his girl or what? I'm guessing by his absenteeism that he's either been shamed from coming back here or he's busy getting them guts.

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I was just wondering if she had shown any interest in him? If so, should make it easier to break the ice. If she doesn't know he exists, he might have some issues... <_<

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Use an Aussie accent I say, it always worked well on the yankee girls for me. Except if you are from Queensland and sound like Steve Irwin, in that case NO TOUCHY for you.

Seriously but, just try talking to her. Try and find mutual ground, Music, Politics, same hate for some teacher etc. If after all that you find out she's a dick remember, fat girls need love too. Just in large concentration type exercises like Drive Thru or Freak Porn. ;)

PS: Mack, I just finished reading this book by an Alaskan author named Marty Beckerman, the book was called; Generation SLUT. An aquantence of yours perhaps?

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Basically people want what they cant have, hence Adam and Eve were not content with all the fruit in the garden, they wanted the one piece of fruit thet were told not to touch. Same thing with guys and girls. Both sexes like the chace and the challenge, so if ur too available then ur not interesting to the girl. Girls like guys who have a life outside of them, who are determined and have goals, not wimps who sit around day dreaming and are afraid. Also, people talk a lot of crap, so my advice is that actions speak louder then words. Example, girls SAY they want a sweet nice guy who buys them stuff and treats them right, but they DATE guys who treat them badly, cheat on them and r never around. So dont ask girls for advice, watch their actions and put 2 and 2 together.

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