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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tournament question

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our hockey team is going to be entering a tournament in lake placid, new york. Our team is from quebec, we play in a midget BB league. but in new york i'm not sure what level we would be. Any one have any ideas

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If your playing in the AA part, the teams are good.... I suggest playing in the "A" Division if your "BB". Try and see if your coach can switch or something.

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signed up in AA, the hockey in the US is not the same level. If you want to win for sure, signed up A, but if you want to play a real tourny and probably win also play AA. Heck, when I was Pee-wee BB, the CC went to Florida and played in the AA and they won easily.

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signed up in AA, the hockey in the US is not the same level. If you want to win for sure, signed up A, but if you want to play a real tourny and probably win also play AA. Heck, when I was Pee-wee BB, the CC went to Florida and played in the AA and they won easily.

I guess I am failing to see your logic.

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signed up in AA, the hockey in the US is not the same level. If you want to win for sure, signed up A, but if you want to play a real tourny and probably win also play AA. Heck, when I was Pee-wee BB, the CC went to Florida and played in the AA and they won easily.

that's funny. A couple of years ago one of our AA teams played in the Quebec Tourney and took second place in the B (second highest) division. Don't discount hockey teams because they are American. There are alot of good teams that can play against thier Canadian counterparts and they are always at the big tournaments.

If your team is in the 5th lowest division I would look to find out if there is a Midget B division. It will be the lowest level in the Tourney. If it is not available play in the A division.

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Exactly, they would of get crushed in the A division. B = BB, A=AA.

I assume you talk about the Quebec Pee-wee tounry, right?

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Yeah, the big one in February. My sons team has been invited to play this year. They are a strong PeeWee AA team and will most likely play in the B division.

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It is a nice experience for him, we were playing in the A division(but there is like 2 A division, one is the A, and the other is a representant of each quebec major junior hockey league), and we lost against the Quebec Remparts in Semi-Final in front of 10000 persons which is enourmous when you are young, I;;l remember that for the rest of my life.

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signed up in AA, the hockey in the US is not the same level. If you want to win for sure, signed up A, but if you want to play a real tourny and probably win also play AA. Heck, when I was Pee-wee BB, the CC went to Florida and played in the AA and they won easily.

that's funny. A couple of years ago one of our AA teams played in the Quebec Tourney and took second place in the B (second highest) division. Don't discount hockey teams because they are American. There are alot of good teams that can play against thier Canadian counterparts and they are always at the big tournaments.

If your team is in the 5th lowest division I would look to find out if there is a Midget B division. It will be the lowest level in the Tourney. If it is not available play in the A division.

acually in quebec b is almost the weakest division, i play the 5th highest division in my age group. in order from weakest to highest. C. B. A. CC. BB. AA.

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How does the levels of play go in the US??

Usually there are A, AA, AAA - triple-A being the highest. In some organizations, you may find a B or C level team, but they are rarely any better than a select team you would find in any house league.

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What team are you?  I am bringing my Midget U16 team from Raleigh up for that same tournament.

UMW what team? Pepsi?

yup, i coach the A/AA team Pepsi

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so our team didn't sign up for the tournament in the end, yesterday we played a game agaisnt the midget AAA junoir Atlanta Thrashers, our team midget BB, whipped them 8-0, and our team isn't even that good. we are in the bottom 10 in the whole province( around 50-60 teams).

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No affence to the teams down south, but they're not the highest level of play even if they're AAA. Try to play some north eastern teams like up in Buffalo and such. Their are even some really tough teams in mid-NY.

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