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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just to let u guys know about the custom blades from legend, the guy that did the daytime ordering and organizing quit so they are very unorganized. if u plan to order blades, id wait a little bit until they are back to regular working order. i ordered mine almost a month ago and they still havent shipped them due to this problem :(

30 days is still better than any other place I've had them done.

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New gear that I have to get?

Base Layers

I am probably going to get some Under Armor Loose Gear short sleeve shirts (I'm getting a bit tired of the 'sausage' feeling of my UA heat gear shirt).

My Itech compression short/jock combo has been driving me crazy so I want to check out a compression short/jock combo that has a conventional pocket for the can.

Shoulder Pads

I have been using a beat up pair of Sherwood's that have seen better days (hey, they were free!) but my fiance is tired of hearing how sore my shoulders are so I may opt for some Jofa 7500's (I really should use a longer set of shoulder pads as I have a disproportionally long trunk).

Shin Pads

I will probably get another pair of Jofa's but I'm undecided as to what model.


I always need socks (especially in slash happy public shinny).

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Base layer - I want to get one of those moisture management shirts (WSI, Under Armor, Nike, etc) and retire my cotton T.

Along with teh shirts, which I use and love, pickp a pair of their compression shorts; they're the tight ones that look like boxer briefs. They help me keep from overheating in 90 degree roller hockey in SoCal and theyjst feel great to play in, except for the shrinkage...

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A fresh pair of Vapor 10 SG would be nice too since I cracked my cap.

Same here, except my knee went through the cap and hit the ground. Broke my kneecap :( . Now im going with some new Jofa's

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Skates- Bauer Classis Golds (great sale here $300 CDN!)

Helmet- Itech HC100

Shinpads- I'm not sure

Sticks- Alot, lol. Inno 1100 standard, M-2 Standard, RLXN10, PTC blade, Inno blade, Flyweight. Thinking about geting some custom woodys.

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dont need much now got new pants and skates already. when my true 1 breaks im going to try a xn10, then if play travel instead of highschool im going to need a new pair of gloves,mukoka 970s or 950s preferably.

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Along with teh shirts, which I use and love, pickp a pair of their compression shorts; they're the tight ones that look like boxer briefs.

I just got the WSI compression jock (PRO355) from HockeyOne (Not a good experience). I'll be using it for the first time tonight. I took the cup out of my shredded Itech jock and put it in the compression shorts. It's not giving me total coverage. I really should have taken the advice about the banana cup!

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Skates- I think I am going to get the Vector ZG 130's next week.

Stick- I want a stealth when it comes out. Probally some more Si-Cores

Might need pant or shingaurds soon, but I havnt thought about what kind.

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im liking the new Bauer 8000 protective line. I think I will be picking up the pants and shins, I like the taper on the pants, not as bulky as the eastons that i have.

I am also looking into new skates next month. Open to all types of top end skates, just want the ones that fit me best-500s, XX or 8090, Vectors, G-series. We shall see!

But im always up for buying new gear anyway so its pretty much a year round type job anyway.

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Skates-Trying on the 8090's S-500's and 705's maybe 704's and 703's since my 705's are hurting my feet now. Also am thinking about 8000's and Pro Tacks

Sticks-Another White Novius and Gagne XV's.

Helmet Bauer 4000 and a Jofa Bubble if I can find a cheap one. (anybody?).

New Shins-Jofa 8090's

I also hate Cobras and if I get Grafs will put Tuuks on right away.

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Sticks - Just got an L-2 and Gaborik 1100 Fused, don't need more.

Elbow/Shoulder/Shin Pads - All Mission M-1. Looks like very great pads for a great price.

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helmet-itech hc100 w/ jofa bubble cage

shouldies-ccm 652s

gloves-palms are just about gone on my vaughn F5000s. might try a pair of eagles. maybe a pair of them HGTs

shins-jofa 8090

skates-graf 704s

stick-either redlitexn10 or inno 1100 w/ custom blades

p.s. anyone wanna buy a bubble cage. i have an extra

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p.s. anyone wanna buy a bubble cage. i have an extra

Here ya go...

...a Jofa Bubble if I can find a cheap one. (anybody?).

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sticks - A fleet of nash whip xn10s to last me the whole year

Pants - set with quest 2's

Gloves - My x70s are going onto their 4th season, there about dead so probably a pair of xx.

Helmet - set with my 4000s+jofa chrome

protective - have v12 shins and elbows, going to complete the set with shoulders.

skates - just got my 8090s

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bringin back this topic...:

Skates: Just bought a new pair of Vapor XXs, looking for some new laces;)lol

Helmet: I REALLY need a new one, holding out until our shop gets in the Bauer 8000s, i'll likely use the Jofa 480 cage, i need a new one.

Elbow pads: Looking at either the Nike Pro STk THG's or the new Bauer 8000s, haven't heard much on them.

Shin Pads: looking into the Bauer 8000 shins, if not then just some Bauer THG Vapor 8's.

Pants: Looking into the Bauer 8000s also, if not then Easton Airs, like i've been using for a couple years.

Gloves: Wont need em for another 2 months or so, definetly goin with Bauer Vapor XXs

Shoulders: Itech 675 THG, have em, they're just worn out, great shoulder pads, love em.

Stick: Just broke my Synergy, gonna go for a Bauer Vapor XX...

I need a whole set of equipment, so i'm gonna be broke for a while.:( lol

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