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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shipping sticks from US to Canada.....

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Even after that, the only thing that made me want to Hulk out was when I went to my carrier's store at the mall to get a replacement since I had insurance on it. I get "Oh, insurance doesn't cover anything over the Slivr." This is the kind of information that would have been handy when I signed-up and opted to buy insurance, then they could have said "oh that won't be covered."

I walked out with a new phone, new SIM card and an incredible distaste for cell companies.


Drew, it was almost worth it but I still had to wait 2 minutes for my slippers after I got out of the shower.

Then you're entitled to a refund from the cell company for providing you with a service that is unavailable with your phone.

Also- to help your other problem; some angry make up sex should fix that.

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I have a claim # I'm supposed to turn in so I hope it goes thru. If it does then I'm only out a $50 deductible and that's better than the insane full retail prices.

Any chance for make-up sex was washed out after we chaperoned my brother's school dance. Whoever taught kids to make-out these days (Heisman?) needs to be shot.

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I don't know about this guys...

Presumably at one point in their relationship, the jacket would have stayed on the floor because she suddenly had a need for a shower.

Are you sure you're not losing more than your treo Mack?

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I don't know about this guys...

Presumably at one point in their relationship, the jacket would have stayed on the floor because she suddenly had a need for a shower.

Are you sure you're not losing more than your treo Mack?

I wish I could even remember those days.

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Hey now, after 3 hours of laying drywall I wasn't about to pound the carpet.

Oh man... it really is all downhill from that point on...

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Fine, when I get home from work today I'm going to scar neighbours just to prove you wrong. With a laptop on her back though, it is MNF tonight.

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This way we can both be thinking of Tom Brady; I need a big game out of him for my fantasy football team.

I meant scar because I'll be scaring them tomorrow with round two after we take our kid out for Halloween.

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This way we can both be thinking of Tom Brady; I need a big game out of him for my fantasy football team.

I meant scar because I'll be scaring them tomorrow with round two after we take our kid out for Halloween.

You and the wife are going as:

Your son/daughter is going to be:

I am Captain Morgan.

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Sorry if this has been said.

Shipping from US to Canada:

Use USPS and it will cost you $14US to almost anywhere. It can take up to 3 weeks though as Canadian customs can hold things for up to a week.

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This way we can both be thinking of Tom Brady; I need a big game out of him for my fantasy football team. 

I meant scar because I'll be scaring them tomorrow with round two after we take our kid out for Halloween.

You and the wife are going as:

Your son/daughter is going to be:

I am Captain Morgan.

We're going as Superman/Lois Lane. Ghey.

The daughter's going as an organ grinder monkey and my brother's the organ grinder. He looks like Luigi.

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Sorry if this has been said.

Shipping from US to Canada:

Use USPS and it will cost you $14US to almost anywhere. It can take up to 3 weeks though as Canadian customs can hold things for up to a week.

It's sad that the stick I sold you cost more than to ship to Canada.

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This way we can both be thinking of Tom Brady; I need a big game out of him for my fantasy football team. 

I meant scar because I'll be scaring them tomorrow with round two after we take our kid out for Halloween.

You and the wife are going as:

Your son/daughter is going to be:

I am Captain Morgan.

We're going as Superman/Lois Lane. Ghey.

The daughter's going as an organ grinder monkey and my brother's the organ grinder. He looks like Luigi.

Remember, the organ grinder's monkey is supposed to steal money from passers by. Your phone is now paid for.

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I hope so, because I'm still peeved that my idea of Jessica Rabbit, Roger Rabbit and Baby Herman didn't go thru.

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well, after an hour of wrapping countless feet of shipping tape... I think I got her packaged up! The sticks basically look like Mummies...

Thank you guys so much for all the input



Thats good I guess, you could have just got a bunch of UPS International Priority boxes and wrapped/tapped them around it. And anyone recomending you to send as a gift or declaring the sticks at a low value is an idiot. Customs people know exactly how much an item is worth. And if you don't put a reasonable amount on the form then they will charge full value which will probably add 50% of the total cost for the reciever.

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Hey i have a question about shipping. What is the difference when you declare something as a gift? How does that affect the cost and/or the amount of insurance?

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