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How many calories per game

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Now that the season has started I'm having trouble getting enough ice to get a good workout everyday. So I'm thinking that I'm gonna have to replace it with some gym work, but I would like to at least burn as many calories as I would in a game or practice.

Any idea what the calory burn rate is for hockey?


PS: I've lost 90 lbs since I started playing about a year ago. God, I love this sport!

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It varies on a per person basis. Using my heart rate monitoring, I found that I can burn between 600 and 1000 calories per game (3 x 15 min stop time periods)


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PS: I've lost 90 lbs since I started playing about a year ago. God, I love this sport!

I got about 80 lbs to drop...

any sort of routine you went with?

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I've been told by a nutritionist that during the course of a practice, I burn around 750-1200 calories per practice; so I would expect that you would be in the lower area of that spread; You're not on the ice as often in a game as in a practice.

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PS: I've lost 90 lbs since I started playing about a year ago. God, I love this sport!

I got about 80 lbs to drop...

any sort of routine you went with?

Step 1: Get fat (I was 365 when I started)

Step 2: Quit eating all the crud (McD's, pizza, etc)

Step 3: Play every day (I can't during the regular season but during Spring/Summer I can take classes)

Step 4: Have sleep apnea surgery; live on Percaset and 1 quart of Rita's Water Ice for a week (lost 20 lbs in a week and have kept it off)

Step 5: Marry the most wonderful woman in the world who encourages you and understands when you grab your gear and leave for three hours at a time only to come home stiff and sore and smelly.

At least that's what worked for me. :)

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I've lost about 65lbs since April. Follow South Beach guidlines No----Low carb lean meats pork chops, fish etc....I eat any and all veggies and fruit, yes they have carbs but they have antioxidants, methyl donors, free radical eaters etc....I ride my mountain bike at least 10-15 miles on trail at least 2x week, I run 2.5 miles at least 1 day per week and finally swim 1 day per week 25-30 minutes. Lift just 1 day a week cause we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Play hockey 3x per week when schedule allows. Finally I never cheat with the carbs and never eat after 8PM.

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11 calories per min. is the approx. calorie burn rate for Hockey, so during a game of 2 min shifts, 22 calories per shift. approx 3 shifts per period X 3 periods= approx 198 per game. During pick up or practice would be more. This is a generalized approximation for most instances. 1200 per game is not even close. :(

Obviously 120min pickup without stopping and skating hard the majority of the time would get you a possibility of 1320 total calories, but not if you rest and drink some high calorie energy drink or even a gatorade at 50 calories per 8oz. <_<

I too have lost weight playing hockey, but it wasn't until my 3rd year playing because when I increased my excercise I ate more to compensate. I.E. burn more and eat less. Eating less will be effective also, just not as much fun as playing Hockey though. :P

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3 shifts per period at 2 mins a piece? Thats not a lot of ice time. Is this with 3 lines?

At the rink I play at, the max is 13 players per team and typically we get 8-9 skaters so we skate 3 D so I am skating 2/3rd of the game.


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3 shifts per period at 2 mins a piece? Thats not a lot of ice time. Is this with 3 lines?

At the rink I play at, the max is 13 players per team and typically we get 8-9 skaters so we skate 3 D so I am skating 2/3rd of the game.


15min/2min shifts/2lines=3.75shifts per period. 15min/2min shifts/3lines=2.5shifts per period. :o Usually a 2 min shift in a house league is average.

Doesn't realy matter just take 11 calories X mins. played! ;)

BTW, at this rate 45minsX11calories per min=495calories, for you studs that skate full intensity for a full game without resting or slowing down!! :blink:

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3 shifts per period at 2 mins a piece? Thats not a lot of ice time. Is this with 3 lines?

At the rink I play at, the max is 13 players per team and typically we get 8-9 skaters so we skate 3 D so I am skating 2/3rd of the game.


15min/2min shifts/2lines=3.75shifts per period. 15min/2min shifts/3lines=2.5shifts per period. :o Usually a 2 min shift in a house league is average.

Doesn't realy matter just take 11 calories X mins. played! ;)

BTW, at this rate 45minsX11calories per min=495calories, for you studs that skate full intensity for a full game without resting or slowing down!! :blink:

Just because you are not moving doesn't mean you're not burning calories. When you sit on the bench, your body is still burning those calories.

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I've dropped 75 pounds in a year and still have about nother 50 or so to go.. but they are getting tougher god damn it lol... Playin hockey 3 times a week, treadmill every so often but the most important part: Eating better foods and I don't really bother wether it's carb or not because the bottom line is the number of calories you put in your body versus the amount you spend that makes a difference at the end of the day. Complex carbohydrates that you find in whole wheat does not transform easier into fat contrary to what many people think. I mean, you could eat McD's and still lose weight if the only thing you ate in a day was one Big Mac and a small fry.. provided you spent more energy than you ate that. You wouldn't be much healthier but you'd certainly be skinnier lol. Eating better enables you to eat enough so your stomach is full and you don't feel like you're about to faint because you haven't eaten enough.

As for the calories burnt while playing hockey.. it varies greatly depending on the effort you put in, your weight and the speed of your metabolism... but 11 calories a minute sounds like it's about right. Keep in mind that you may burn more calories fighting for the puck in the corners than you would flying down the right wing chasing the puck as it usually takes a much bigger effort to fight for the puck in the corners than just skating.

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I play field hockey or inline hockey (a combination of the two) up to 6 times a week, I only started this year coming from 2 times a week last year. I noticed a massive amount of fat that I lost, though my weight went up because of the muscle I also gained..lol.

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I haven't lost weight but hockey gave me motivation to quit smoking.. I'm sure playing hockey has helped me maintain my weight since quitting rather then gaining though.

by the way kick ass for you on the weight loss thats a hard thing to do I'm sure.

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PS: I've lost 90 lbs since I started playing about a year ago. God, I love this sport!

I got about 80 lbs to drop...

any sort of routine you went with?

Step 1: Get fat (I was 365 when I started)

Step 2: Quit eating all the crud (McD's, pizza, etc)

Step 3: Play every day (I can't during the regular season but during Spring/Summer I can take classes)

Step 4: Have sleep apnea surgery; live on Percaset and 1 quart of Rita's Water Ice for a week (lost 20 lbs in a week and have kept it off)

Step 5: Marry the most wonderful woman in the world who encourages you and understands when you grab your gear and leave for three hours at a time only to come home stiff and sore and smelly.

At least that's what worked for me. :)

well, I got steps 1 and 5 down.... I just need to get all those in between.

I weighed over 320lbs at one point. I dropped over 120 pounds (the wrong way, starving myself, and working out like crazy- I was seriously just depressed...anywho), then messed up my hip real bad, playing dekhockey of all things (this was before I skated).... I've put about 50lbs back on. I need to really motivate myself to drop it again

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I wouldn't doubt burning 700+ calories an hour (an hour of playing, not an hour in a game). On a treadmill at a decent pace, I burn roughly 350 calories an hour. On an elliptical, I burn roughly 600. Hockey is like the speed of the treadmill with the resistance of the elliptical and upper body movement as well.

I've lost a lot of weight by drinking more water, eating smaller and more frequent meals, cutting out sugar and sweets, switching to high fiber/grain carbs, etc. This summer, I incorporated alternating weightlifting with cardio and that just burned the fat off while BUILDING muscle (which is hard to do).

My buddy just quit smoking (after 7 years of a pack a day) to play hockey this year and I'm quitting drinking. Hockey's just too fun and fulfilling to be weighed down by those things.

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Just because you are not moving doesn't mean you're not burning calories. When you sit on the bench, your body is still burning those calories.

Not 11 per min. though!

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Just because you are not moving doesn't mean you're not burning calories. When you sit on the bench, your body is still burning those calories.

Not 11 per min. though!

You would be surprised.

Your body isn't a lightswitch. Once your shift is over does your heartrate all of sudden drop down to normal? As soon as you stop skating, do you start breathing at a normal pace as soon as your butt hits the bench? No.. (unless you are a real wuss on the ice and cant skate).

I think its pretty safe to say that you are still burning a fairly good amount of calories between each shift. I would go as far as to say that if you have a good warm-up, raise your heartrate and get your blood going that the number of calories you burn would hardly fluxuate at all.. Both teams I play for have about 3 lines. I play right wing on one that has 3 shifts of wingers and I play d on the other with only 2 LONG-shift lines. I am still breathing heavily when i get back on the ice for either team.

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Just because you are not moving doesn't mean you're not burning calories. When you sit on the bench, your body is still burning those calories.

Not 11 per min. though!

You would be surprised.

Your body isn't a lightswitch. Once your shift is over does your heartrate all of sudden drop down to normal? As soon as you stop skating, do you start breathing at a normal pace as soon as your butt hits the bench? No.. (unless you are a real wuss on the ice and cant skate).

I think its pretty safe to say that you are still burning a fairly good amount of calories between each shift. I would go as far as to say that if you have a good warm-up, raise your heartrate and get your blood going that the number of calories you burn would hardly fluxuate at all.. Both teams I play for have about 3 lines. I play right wing on one that has 3 shifts of wingers and I play d on the other with only 2 LONG-shift lines. I am still breathing heavily when i get back on the ice for either team.

I wouldn't be all that suprised, my wife is a family practioner with extensive experience as a nutritionist. You will keep burning as long as your heart rate stays up, but not quite at the same rate. She gives herself an allowance of approx. 300 to 400 calories per game, depending on the # of players that show up, and 600 to 700 for a 2 hour pickup session. Seems to be pretty accurate based upon her personal calorie allowance and assessments. No where near 1200 calories per game. Also, she only gives herself that allowance if she drinks purely water, and eats nothing extra before or after games.

If you come off the ice breathing hard, and return to the ice still breathing hard after long shifts, than may I suggest you need to get better conditioned. I am an 39, and playing in A league games I sometimes get a little winded, but within 20 seconds of coming off I am breathing close to normal. Not bragging, just indicating that calorie burn rate does vary, and if you are better conditioned you will burn fewer calories due to the heart rate not being increased as much, relatively speaking.

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Or maybe you are conditioned and you just playing the hardest game you can?

Exactly.. If you aren't tired after your shift, then you didn't skate hard enough IMO. We have about 2 min between each shift and like I said, I am not anywhere near 100% when I hop the board. I am good enough for another shift, but not "rested". I prefer it that way anyways. As soon as I get back on the ice, I don't even notice my fatigue.

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You would be surprised.

Your body isn't a lightswitch. Once your shift is over does your heartrate all of sudden drop down to normal? As soon as you stop skating, do you start breathing at a normal pace as soon as your butt hits the bench? No.. (unless you are a real wuss on the ice and cant skate).

I think its pretty safe to say that you are still burning a fairly good amount of calories between each shift. I would go as far as to say that if you have a good warm-up, raise your heartrate and get your blood going that the number of calories you burn would hardly fluxuate at all.. Both teams I play for have about 3 lines. I play right wing on one that has 3 shifts of wingers and I play d on the other with only 2 LONG-shift lines. I am still breathing heavily when i get back on the ice for either team.

Are you making all this stuff up as you go along ?

Calories are burnt because work is because done by your body. Obviously, if you're sitting on the bench, breathing hard, your body is not doing nearly as much work as it is when you're skating hard up and down the ice and, presumably, breathing hard. And once you recover from hyperventilating, your body will be doing even less work. Elevated heart rate isn't going to burn nearly as many calories as exercise itself - if it did, watching scary movies or riding roller coasters would be fat-burning.

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You would be surprised.

Your body isn't a lightswitch. Once your shift is over does your heartrate all of sudden drop down to normal? As soon as you stop skating, do you start breathing at a normal pace as soon as your butt hits the bench? No.. (unless you are a real wuss on the ice and cant skate).

I think its pretty safe to say that you are still burning a fairly good amount of calories between each shift. I would go as far as to say that if you have a good warm-up, raise your heartrate and get your blood going that the number of calories you burn would hardly fluxuate at all.. Both teams I play for have about 3 lines. I play right wing on one that has 3 shifts of wingers and I play d on the other with only 2 LONG-shift lines. I am still breathing heavily when i get back on the ice for either team.

Are you making all this stuff up as you go along ?

Calories are burnt because work is because done by your body. Obviously, if you're sitting on the bench, breathing hard, your body is not doing nearly as much work as it is when you're skating hard up and down the ice and, presumably, breathing hard. And once you recover from hyperventilating, your body will be doing even less work. Elevated heart rate isn't going to burn nearly as many calories as exercise itself - if it did, watching scary movies or riding roller coasters would be fat-burning.

:rolleyes: yup, I'm just making this stuff up for shits and giggles. We all are lightswitches. We burn calories ONLY if our limbs are moving. As soon as we stop, the calories build back up. Hell, we hardly burn any calories at all because we glide a lot on our skates, rendering our muscles obsolete.

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