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gmail invites

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Each account gets 50 invites. You can also have them text your cell phone and they will give you a code so you can set up an account that way.

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Yeah, accounts now seem to get 50 or so but when I got mine a couple years ago I had 150 and it kept adding them in increments of 50.

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Whats so great about gmail?

2.5 gigabytes of space.

Far more than anyone could ever need for email.

I only use my hotmail for msn.

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Whats so great about gmail?

2.5 gigabytes of space.

Far more than anyone could ever need for email.

I have some 2200 emails in my gmail account, and they're using up 4% of my space.

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can it be used with windows messenger?? is there a sending limit?

i haven't seen a sending limit yet

yes you can use it for msn, just register it as a msn passport account

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You don't need an invite anymore. It's open.

Its only open to people using their cellphones. The web access via computer is not open. You would still need an invite.

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