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Non-check leagues

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Are there non check hockey leagues? also when the are called "non check" what do they really mean? can you still get smashed against the boards?

the reason I ask this is that I need to play hockey and inline is dying here is sydney and my parents don't won't me getting smashed..lol



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Non check generally means no hitting and no slap shots. If your parents are concerned about you getting hurt see if you can get them down to a local club's training session, get them talking to some other parents or the coaches to gauge what playing competive ice is all about.

From what I've heard you guys in Sydney have got a few ice rinks, 1 or 2 not bad quality either so its definately the way to go.

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They are non-check but NOT non-contact. There will be contact, yet most of it should be accidental. There also will be some wrestling/pushing to establish position in front of the net or along the boards. Anything beyond that is someone being a jerk out there.

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Yeah, there's no contact and no check. For no check, you still play the body, just not slamming guys around. You can use your body to establish position and sliding your hip in someones way to shield them off to get the puck is legal. Lotta bumping from people I noticed who play to the limits of the no checking.

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If your parents are worried about you getting hurt, maybe they can just set you up in some kick boxing classes and karate? ;)

At least thats what one member of this board suggested to us a while back.

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Non check generally means no hitting and no slap shots.

Maybe that's an Aussie thing, but generally in the States (at least IME) non-checking just means no checking. It doesn't mean no slap shots and it doesn't mean no contact (although you're not likely to get "smashed" up against the boards, you might get bumped racing for a puck etc).

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They are non-check but NOT non-contact. There will be contact, yet most of it should be accidental. There also will be some wrestling/pushing to establish position in front of the net or along the boards. Anything beyond that is someone being a jerk out there.

True USAH non-check still allows you to rub guys out along the boards and there can be a significant amount of contact. Most non-check leagues around here are a bit more restrictive because of the jackasses who couldn't handle it. Nothing like making a good, legal play and then having someone two-hand you from behind.

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I play with my wife in an intermediate league and its non check. Honstly, I think I feel safer on my house league team. There have been 3 games so far in the league and so far a 65 year old guy on our team has been punched in the back of the head, a 5'2" 130lb girl got hammered by a larger set guy, that very same girl is about to be kicked out of the league because she has taken 2 baseball style swings with her stick at the head of both our goalie and the big guy who mowed her over.. she tried to hit our goalie because during warmups she tripped over a poke check from his stick.. he was laying face down covering the puck, she got up, put the stick over her head and about broke her blade over the back of his helmet.

There's still 7 games left.

I would rather play in my check league with people who know what they are doing than chance getting injured by idiots in the intermediate league.

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i play in a girls non check league and basically it means no-checking. you can still be pinned against the boards. like some others have said, it is non check but non NON- contact.

im pretty sure the adult leagues around me are non check, but it just varies wherever you play.

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Are there non check hockey leagues? also when the are called "non check" what do they really mean? can you still get smashed against the boards?

the reason I ask this is that I need to play hockey and inline is dying here is sydney and my parents don't won't me getting smashed..lol



I would like to play in a league without Czechs. Those guys are always whining and getting pissed off about stupid things. And they WILL smash you into the boards. We have this Czech on our team and he hasn't shown up for the last month. That's not cool when we're trying to make the playoffs. :ph34r:

im like the wind....im everywhere

He buddy, there's no wind indoors (a.k.a. your hockey rink). :blink:

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Are there non check hockey leagues? also when the are called "non check" what do they really mean? can you still get smashed against the boards?

the reason I ask this is that I need to play hockey and inline is dying here is sydney and my parents don't won't me getting smashed..lol



I would like to play in a league without Czechs. Those guys are always whining and getting pissed off about stupid things. And they WILL smash you into the boards. We have this Czech on our team and he hasn't shown up for the last month. That's not cool when we're trying to make the playoffs. :ph34r:

im like the wind....im everywhere

He buddy, there's no wind indoors (a.k.a. your hockey rink). :blink:

Nothing like them Czech guys....

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The amount of contact really does vary league to league. But I do agree that usually players who have played growing up and then go play no check usually seem to be much more chill than the some of the lumberjacks who stake around in the rec leagues.

By far the worst I have been in was an over 30 league where guys were getting jumped in the parking lot, people getting run, teams fighting themselves.

But this is just the bad examples, there are plenty of good, fun and safe non check leagues out there.

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Not sure if other non check beer leagues can manage this, but in Austin we usually do a draft before the start of every season. One thing that does is makes guys skate with other guys (or gals) from time to time and then you get to know more people and less likely to harbor a lot of ill will.

Once you've played with a guy and know him you usually let some little stuff go on the ice which would otherwise escalate. Also, keeping teams together creates stronger rivalries and animosity which carries over from game to game, season to season.

Even though there are drafts sometimes the captains will have a gentleman's agreement among themselves of drafting friends and also they will tie some people together - ie. you draft this guy, you get his wife too.

Obviously this won't eliminate all of the problems but I think it's more enjoyable to play with various people over the years.

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Not sure if other non check beer leagues can manage this, but in Austin we usually do a draft before the start of every season. One thing that does is makes guys skate with other guys (or gals) from time to time and then you get to know more people and less likely to harbor a lot of ill will.

Once you've played with a guy and know him you usually let some little stuff go on the ice which would otherwise escalate. Also, keeping teams together creates stronger rivalries and animosity which carries over from game to game, season to season.

Even though there are drafts sometimes the captains will have a gentleman's agreement among themselves of drafting friends and also they will tie some people together - ie. you draft this guy, you get his wife too.

Obviously this won't eliminate all of the problems but I think it's more enjoyable to play with various people over the years.

Too many people threaten to quit if that happens around here. Guys are too worried about sandbagging and stocking teams at lower divisions so they can win the league championship.

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Not sure if other non check beer leagues can manage this, but in Austin we usually do a draft before the start of every season.  One thing that does is makes guys skate with other guys (or gals) from time to time and then you get to know more people and less likely to harbor a lot of ill will. 

Once you've played with a guy and know him you usually let some little stuff go on the ice which would otherwise escalate.  Also, keeping teams together creates stronger rivalries and animosity which carries over from game to game, season to season.

Even though there are drafts sometimes the captains will have a gentleman's agreement among themselves of drafting friends and also they will tie some people together - ie. you draft this guy, you get his wife too.

Obviously this won't eliminate all of the problems but I think it's more enjoyable to play with various people over the years.

Too many people threaten to quit if that happens around here. Guys are too worried about sandbagging and stocking teams at lower divisions so they can win the league championship.

I would say it's the same here in Columbus as well.

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Not sure if other non check beer leagues can manage this, but in Austin we usually do a draft before the start of every season. One thing that does is makes guys skate with other guys (or gals) from time to time and then you get to know more people and less likely to harbor a lot of ill will.

Once you've played with a guy and know him you usually let some little stuff go on the ice which would otherwise escalate. Also, keeping teams together creates stronger rivalries and animosity which carries over from game to game, season to season.

Even though there are drafts sometimes the captains will have a gentleman's agreement among themselves of drafting friends and also they will tie some people together - ie. you draft this guy, you get his wife too.

Obviously this won't eliminate all of the problems but I think it's more enjoyable to play with various people over the years.

In our League, the players are rated by their peers from 1 to 5, with 1 being very good and 5 being pylons. Then the Team Reps draft by levels, 1 then 2, etc. Once all of the players are drafted, the Reps names are put into a hat and they draw their team for the year. This prevents any favoritism from the Reps as well as they don't necessarily get the team they drafted. I have been in the league for 5 years now and I have never seen or heard of any bad blood or fighting going on.

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In our League, the players are rated by their peers from 1 to 5, with 1 being very good and 5 being pylons. Then the Team Reps draft by levels, 1 then 2, etc. Once all of the players are drafted, the Reps names are put into a hat and they draw their team for the year. This prevents any favoritism from the Reps as well as they don't necessarily get the team they drafted. I have been in the league for 5 years now and I have never seen or heard of any bad blood or fighting going on.

That's a pretty cool system. I'm pretty happy with the system hockeyherb described (I play in the same league, down a level IIRC), but it sounds like it would be pretty much impossible to game a random system like that (unless the league administrator was in on it).

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We ahve a geezer league here that is similar to this. The hockey director puts the teams together, making a point to have the teams as even as possible. It makes the games more fun, it makes you play with different people, and it cuts down on the sheap shots. It is the best league we have to play in by far.

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Not sure if other non check beer leagues can manage this, but in Austin we usually do a draft before the start of every season.

Good idea in theory, but I wouldn't want to play with a bunch of random guys every other season. Part of the reason I play is the friendship and camaraderie I've got with my teammates. We have a core group that's been together over 4 yrs. We've been good, we've been bad, but we always have fun. I understand the reasoning for a draft, I just wouldn't like to play in that type of league.

Here in the Raleigh area all the men's leagues are non-check. I really wish there was one check league that all those who want to hit could join. It would sure make my life as both a player and a ref much easier.

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At the local rink I play at, all players are rated by the hockey director. They are assessed at least once a season. They then use the rating to make a player eligible to play in a specific league night. The rating system is based on 30 points so it looks something like this:

Beginners: 1-10

Intermitediate: 10-20

Advanced 20-30

There is of course overflow between nights etc. Players can be "married" in the system so they can ensure that they end up with a friend, spouse, car pool buddy but there is a limit. Teams are then put together to ensure an even number of total skill points per team.

The system works ok, but it does allow for chemistry etc. Also, player attendance has a huge impact on team ability.


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