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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shitty Ebay deal...HELP

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So I sold a pair of skates on ebay. I stated size 9 in my post. A guy baught them now, and I shipped them out. Have in mind that in my description I statet no refunds sold as is. He got them and complained that they were a size 9.5 and I argued with him because I knew they were a 9. After a while they show up at my door, and he demanded his money back with shipping. I looked at the skates and sure enough they were a size 9. I argued some more and to shut him up I sent him a check for $300 (He was being an amzing pest) (didn't pay for his shipping back, he payed $315.) It was a money order and I can't find the recept stub or anything and now he is claiming he never recieved the money. The guy is a real jerk and the bank can't help me out. I was getting sick of ebays rediculous price for selling, they take so much out and paypal screws you over more, that I cancelled my account. Also we both left a neutral feedback. I dont have an account through ebay anymore, and they don thave my credit card or bank info. Can he do anything, what can happen? I wish I had proof of payment. Sucks beause he has my phone number and keeps calling and harassing. If anyone has an opinion let me know, thanks.

Just want to make sure theres nothing he can do. He lives in Canada, and I live in the US. I no longer have an ebay account, and they dont have any of my bank or credit card info. I can't find the reciept, but theres no way he can go after me for anything right?

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I think you're in the clear. He likley already has your $300 as well. The calls will stop eventualy. You could also buy an airhorn, and give it a long blast into the phone everytime he calls.

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tell that hoser to pound sand.

you should have kept the skates and kept the money. you did the right thing by cancelling your paypal and ebay account. i got screwed by paypal when someone scammed me and told paypal i never sent them the item. i could have lost alot of money, but i didn't have any in my paypal account, so all they did was shut it down :(

there is NOTHING he can do. he'll probably threaten to have his lawyer talk to you (he's lying) or sue you, but don't get scared.

try to find that receipt, and keep the tracking numbers and print out a copy of the auction and stuff to be safe, but you're in the clear.

next time he calls, tell him to fuck off.

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Tyler - did you get the money order from the bank? Wherever you got it from, I would check to see if they can assist you with some kind of tracking info.

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Prove him wrong. Take a picture of the skates that you sent him with the tongue showing its a size 9. And I'm pretty sure that most phone company's can block a number if he keeps calling. But then of course he could just use another phone of his.

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Or next time he turns up at your door you could just punch him right between the eyes...Just my immature view.

They guy is just trying to scare you into giving him money, he has no proof that you are in the wrong, so he cant do a thing.

Altheratively, you could reverse it, im sure hes breaching ebay rules etc with this, and if he sees that the tables are turned, he will soon stfu.

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go to where you bought the money order and they can track if it has been cashed and where it has been cashed. If you got the money order with cash they will probably need the stub they gave you, if not tell them the day you purchused it and the amount of the money order and they most likely can look into it.

But dont worry, he cannot do anything to you, your in the clear.

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I got everything worked out with the moeny order. I could prove him wrong but I dont know if I wanna go through all the hassels again. After all just to get the money straightened out took me months. Who knows how long it would take me to make him pay for the skates. Thanks for the help guys.

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