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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Koho is Dead

New LimWire problem

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I purchased LimeWire Pro 4.12.6 a while ago so its been very fast and I was very pleased with it. Just today I have a new problem, actually it is the only problem I have ever encountered with Pro. After a song has completly downloaded, and I go to play it, the Windows Media signal comes up and wont let me play the song.

Now I have not installed Windows Media, I dont want to pay for it. Instead I use Quicktime. So when that problem comes up, its telling me that the internal applicaton error occured inside windows media. Why is this happening? I did not know that I need windows media in order to listen to songs. Is there anyway to get around this problem without purchasing Windows Media?

Thanks for any help you guys can give me,


EDIT--I just dug a little deeper in Itunes and found out that the songs that this was happening to were protected WMA files. Can somebody further my knowledge of what exactly these are?

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WMA files are copyright protected. Depending on where/how you bought them, there are different levels of permissions... some you can copy, others you can't. The main issue is converting to mp3 files.

If you google "protected wma files" you'll get a ton of information about how to get around the protections. Some even claim you can do it legally... although that's a bit dubious.

The simplest solution is: when filesharing from Limewire, make sure you download mp3 files rather than wma files.

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why would you buy lime wire pro? You can download limewire pro from regular limewire...

Because he may be an honest person that is not interested in encouraging piracy. Oh wait, what is on limewire anyway? Yea, illegal stuff.

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well hate to break it to you, even if you buy Limewire pro it is still piracy... just because you pay to get a faster program and more search results doesnt mean it waives the copyright... read the fine print and use common sense

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well hate to break it to you, even if you buy Limewire pro it is still piracy...

I'm not sure i understand what you are saying but if you buy Limewire or even if you use the free version (not the downloaded pro) and that you use it for sharing your own stuff, where's the piracy in that?

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I'm not sure i understand what you are saying but if you buy Limewire or even if you use the free version (not the downloaded pro) and that you use it for sharing your own stuff, where's the piracy in that?

When we are discussing the downloading and opening of protected WMA files your legitimate use of P2P argument loses the small amount of validity it ever had. Drop the act, no one uses limewire for legal purposes (though torrents are another matter entirely). What amuses me is in your previous post you brought up the irony of not wanting to pirate a program used for piracy yet you followed that post up by pretending there is a legitimate use for limewire.

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Lets all be real here. The only good things on LImewire are music, movies, programs, and porn. That's the reason that anyone uses it. whether or not it is piracy, lets leave that question unanswered. ANyway to "circumvent" the copy protection, while the file is downloading preview the file and it will automatically acuire the license when it plays in media player. Then after the download is complete, you are all set.

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I encountered a problem with limewire pro, everytime i try to donwload a song as of yesterday the song just gets stuck in "connecting" mode.

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