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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle composite sticks

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Then use common sense. The Int. Synth weighs around 280ish, and I'm guessing the hybrid blade weighs somewhere around 160g, so your combo is around 440 grams, give or take 10 grams, although that small of a difference doesn't matter to me.

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Hmmmmm- blade looks exactly like a Vapor XXXLite and is within 3 grams as well. Coincidence, or a special run made for Eagle?

I think the XXX Lite's shaft shape resembles the Eagle's, and that's about it for similarities. But, I don't have a pic of the XXX Lite in front of me right now, so that can be taken with a grain of salt.

The Eagle shaft shape is the old "soft corner" shape - like on original SyNergy and Response.

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It's also got a thinner shaft like the old flyweight which probably accounts for some of the reduced weight. I was lucky enough to get a couple of early samples of this stick. One 80 flex around 430 grams and a 90 flex around 415 grams. They're really great sticks, they put my XN10's and my Stealth CNT in the garage. The weight on the 90 flex is a little on the excessively light side believe it or not but a lot of people are going to love it.

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Wow! I didn't know Eagle makes player sticks. Is the x-70 flex comparable to a Synergy SL 85 flex, or is it whippier like an intermediate flex?

I wish I had seen this thread a month ago... then maybe I wouldn't have blown my stick budget on a couple Sickicks :( . Oh well, maybe in the New Year I'll splurge.

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I would assume that the x-70 flex would compare to a 70 flex Easton, while the x-80 would compare to a 80 flex Easton, etc... Could be wrong though.

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Hmmmmm- blade looks exactly like a Vapor XXXLite and is within 3 grams as well. Coincidence, or a special run made for Eagle?

I think the XXX Lite's shaft shape resembles the Eagle's, and that's about it for similarities. But, I don't have a pic of the XXX Lite in front of me right now, so that can be taken with a grain of salt.

The Eagle shaft shape is the old "soft corner" shape - like on original SyNergy and Response.

JR, am I correct in assuming that's also like the Inno shafts that were rounded off?

Is this something I can have my LHS get me, or is an online thing only?

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I'm sure if they have a grip coating on them, it would say. I ordered one today just to give it a whirl. I don't think it can be much worse than what we've seen from many other companies.

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G.M., let me know what you think of the stick when you get it. i was looking into possibly getting one until the easton christmas toy drive came around. thanks.

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Ok it showed up today:


Talon (not a YP clone, less curve, more open. 5.5-5.75 lie)

100 Flex (stiffer than a 100 SL or Stealth for certain)

Stick looks great, significantly lighter than any other stick in my repertoire right now.

feel is double concave, like a Novius I'd say. Ill review it once i get a few uses out of it

***Pics soon to come***

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Ok it showed up today:


Talon (not a YP clone, less curve, more open. 5.5-5.75 lie)

100 Flex (stiffer than a 100 SL or Stealth for certain)

Stick looks great, significantly lighter than any other stick in my repertoire right now.

feel is double concave, like a Novius I'd say. Ill review it once i get a few uses out of it

***Pics soon to come***

Buzz, is it anything like a Roenick pro?

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since this has already made the rounds with the pro's

are any pro's still using it?

i haven't seen anyone using it from the pictures i have seen - so that makes me think they preferred their regular sticks or get paid alot to use certain ones

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since this has already made the rounds with the pro's

are any pro's still using it?

i haven't seen anyone using it from the pictures i have seen - so that makes me think they preferred their regular sticks or get paid alot to use certain ones

What do you mean, made rounds with the pros?

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i was going by what Jim A said about the pro's already using it - so is that not true or did only a few try it?

it made the rounds with some pros over the summer..but I don't believe Eagle is really set up to do any pro level stuff.. it did get good reviews ...

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hey JR, with the pics you posted, what curve was that? quick glance leads me to believe it is close to an iginla. is that true? if not, what would be the closest eagle pattern to an Easton Iginla or Forsberg? thanks.

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It is the Beak.

hey JR, with the pics you posted, what curve was that? quick glance leads me to believe it is close to an iginla. is that true? if not, what would be the closest eagle pattern to an Easton Iginla or Forsberg? thanks.

I wanted to use the stick for a solid few weeks and before I knew it, here we are, almost a month later. I'll put together my complete thoughts later, but, for now, my 5 cents...I am very happy with this stick and its performance. I only wish I could've bought it from Eagle direct instead of from my competitor.

I'll throw the other 95 cents into the mix later on. :)

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OK, finally a chance to do this.

Got the stick and it looked great! Nice finish to it, no visible imperfections.

I got an X80 Beak curve. Weighed it as I was really curious with the 415 gram quote. It weighed in at 431 grams. Certainly not as good as the original photos in this thread, but, far better than my Stealth, SL, Dolomite or XN10s. I found the Beak curve to be more of an Iginla than a Forsberg.

Anyhow, I taped it up and have been using it for a month. I try and give my sticks a good test. I don't cut my sticks, so, I find that I am dealing with original weight and flex. Having used my XN10 Whip Flex sticks before this, I found that this stick was a tad stiffer than my XN10; not in a bad way. I think my XN10s have really gotten whippy over time.

One thing that I noticed, and you will see in Buzz_LightBeer's photos is how the paint chips. I'm not big on how a stick looks, but, I did notice paint chipping pretty early on, mainly down by the joint.

The shaft shape takes me back to the original Synergy's and Response sticks. It is a soft cornered shaft, unlike the bigger, boxy feeling shafts of today.

Performance wise, I can easily say that I am very happy with the performance of this stick. I'm not a pro by any means, however, the stick performs as good as any of the competitors sticks.

Durability wise, well, I don't break sticks much and I rarely have a stick break in the first 30 days. After one month, the stick still feels crisp as when it arrived.

Lastly, I don't care to buy something like this from a "competitor" like Hockey Giant, but, curiousity certainly killed this cat.

I'll be talking to Eagle in Vegas to see what I can do to get some. I know I could sell a few.

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Ya I figured by the description that it was a Sakic clone. My question was had anyone seen it? I've seen many "Sakics" and they all look different. Some have a more pronounced toe, some seem to be a straight mid and the level of how open they are seem to be inconsistent as well.

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