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Mixing wheel hardness on the same skate

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i read somewhere about people mixing the hardness of wheels for better acceleration/stopping ability. i'm 142lbs & use the genesis wheels, roughly 72a. my whole game is a speed game, & i know the softer wheels may limit acceleration, but be better in other ways. would it be to my benefit to mix in some 74a's? if so, where? middle 2 or front & back?


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i have put 2 softer wheels in the front for grip when i push off and 2 harder wheels in the back for a little extra speed and it seemed to work out just fine, when i say harder i mean just one step up nothing extreme

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I have the same setup as Cougar 2 76A in the front 2 78A in the rear. Helps with the sharp cuts and push off for me

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i have put 2 softer wheels in the front for grip when i push off and 2 harder wheels in the back for a little extra speed and it seemed to work out just fine, when i say harder i mean just one step up nothing extreme

so i guess i'll try the 74a blem wheels i got from hockeygiant in the back & leave my 72's in the front. sounds good.

think it matters the 72's are minihub & 74's are standard? i have abec 9's in both sizes.

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A good setup is soft in front and hard in back for most people.

I stop and start really hard, so my favorite I've found so far is all hard. I'm 195 pounds now (thought I was 185, but I guess the workouts did a little somethin somethin for me) and I had been eating through wheels until I got Rink Rats.

So my favorite setup so far is 80A all the way through.

I'm on 78A right now, and I can feel the grippier stops, but the 80A's lasted me 4 months, so I have no complaints.

Harder wheels will give you a little more speed, but not necessarily less traction. Just depends what brand of wheel you get, really. I remember somewhere there was a durometer chart for different weights; don't remember where it was though.

Something like Below 160 = 76A, 160-200 = 78A and 200+ = 80A

Note that that is for Rink Rat wheels, so for Labeda or other brands, take off 2A for each durometer.

Sorry all the thoughts are so jumbled, I'm just putting down what I know without thinking it through.

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I thought I had heard that you should use the softer wheels on the outside and the harder ones on the inside. Any thoughts?

Thats the setup I use. 73a Dynastys on the front and back, and 76a Hornets in the middle.

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I thought I had heard that you should use the softer wheels on the outside and the harder ones on the inside. Any thoughts?

soft at the corners for starting/stopping, hard in the middle for straight line speed.

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I thought I had heard that you should use the softer wheels on the outside and the harder ones on the inside.  Any thoughts?

soft at the corners for starting/stopping, hard in the middle for straight line speed.

as opposed to soft up front & hard in the back?

it's going to be really hard to determine what's 'better', isn't it? :-/

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I didn't say anything was better, I was just explaining why some do it. I just use 76a RRs all the way across, which is probably too soft for me, but it's what i've got and it works well enough for me. Don't play much indoor nowadays anyway.

I've also seen hard-soft-hard-soft, and vice versa. hell, I've used harder on the outside and softer in the middle in the past. kuzak kontacks 77a and labeda soft dynasties - I did it for outdoor when I got my beemers b/c I wasn't playing indoor at the time and the dynasties would have exploded if i used them by themselves. The harder wheels kind of protected the softer ones and made them last a little bit longer. It was nice while they lasted- had a lot of rebound and jump in my stride.

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i began using weird wheel set ups after i began using a sprung chassis. i've found that (for me) labeda gripper medium on the 1st wheel of both skates helps with the acceleration and rapid stop/start. i use 74a for the remaining 3. it feels like im just gliding around.

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I use really soft wheels all across, but really probably ought to change this - to help get some more speed. I weigh around 170. I'm thinking of going to 76A's in the center.

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I didn't say anything was better, I was just explaining why some do it.

oh i know. i'm just saying it seems like people are using both ways (soft/soft/hard/hard & soft/hard/hard/soft) for the same reasons, adding grip when you need it & speed when you need it. & i'm trying to figure out which i should try.

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Joe and I and a few others have found really good grip and speed from Labeda Millenniums. We use the oranges which are about a 76 duro, which is pretty hard. They are very fast, and lots of grip. Joe is going to switch out the toes on his to purple, which is about a 74 duro, for a little more toe-grip on taking off. I'm fine with the all 76, no problems. I weigh 155, Joe weighs 220

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Joe and I and a few others have found really good grip and speed from Labeda Millenniums. We use the oranges which are about a 76 duro, which is pretty hard. They are very fast, and lots of grip. Joe is going to switch out the toes on his to purple, which is about a 74 duro, for a little more toe-grip on taking off. I'm fine with the all 76, no problems. I weigh 155, Joe weighs 220

i just got 4 more genesis wheels, cause some had been chunking. i like them but maybe it could be better & i don't know. thats my concern. i'm not cocky, but i'm generally the fastest player out there. but if it could be better, why not.

i have 8 74a wheels on there way i was gonna mix & match with.

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Sicklife, you're on tours, aren't you? nice thing is, since it's all 80s, you can try a bunch of different combinations. all you need is 4 hard and 4 soft. At least you don't have to deal with different sizes.

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Sicklife, you're on tours, aren't you? nice thing is, since it's all 80s, you can try a bunch of different combinations. all you need is 4 hard and 4 soft. At least you don't have to deal with different sizes.

that's true. i got my 74a's in the mail yest, they feel so much harder than the genesis wheels. harder than the 76a's that came with my old ccm's. its strange. anyway. maybe i'll throw them in the middle tonite at my game. i really wonder how much it matters that they're not minihub & the genesis are. :shrug:

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A good setup is soft in front and hard in back for most people.

I stop and start really hard, so my favorite I've found so far is all hard. I'm 195 pounds now (thought I was 185, but I guess the workouts did a little somethin somethin for me) and I had been eating through wheels until I got Rink Rats.

So my favorite setup so far is 80A all the way through.

I'm on 78A right now, and I can feel the grippier stops, but the 80A's lasted me 4 months, so I have no complaints.

Harder wheels will give you a little more speed, but not necessarily less traction. Just depends what brand of wheel you get, really. I remember somewhere there was a durometer chart for different weights; don't remember where it was though.

Something like Below 160 = 76A, 160-200 = 78A and 200+ = 80A

Note that that is for Rink Rat wheels, so for Labeda or other brands, take off 2A for each durometer.

Sorry all the thoughts are so jumbled, I'm just putting down what I know without thinking it through.

Same thing as me almost. Same weight but Im using 74a in front and 76a in back. Just have to rotate the wheels more often.

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