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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Article about Composite Sticks/Mexico.....

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nice find. I had to chuckle a bit when I read this:

a member of the Warrior research and development team

researching which companies to buy perhaps.

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I wish it would have gone into detail about the international trade going on. I wonder how much the workers get paid and what the economic manufacturing process is.

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Funny about how things got competitive when the employees started playing on the dirt patch out back. Oh the good ole hockey game!

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That article made me think. Warrior said you can almost make an allstar team with players using there equipment. Manufacturers should have they sponsored players battle it out with other manufacturers. Like easton VS bauer and Mission VS RBK etc. That would be intersting

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That article made me think. Warrior said you can almost make an allstar team with players using there equipment. Manufacturers should have they sponsored players battle it out with other manufacturers. Like easton VS bauer and Mission VS RBK etc. That would be intersting

that would be intresting just warrior, mission and easton wouldnt have any goalies

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why didn't they say the main reasons for making thier sticks in tijuana is to maximize profits while still being close to the U.S. They pay thier laborers next to nothing and don't have to worry about an enviromental impacts. They should explain how they make these sticks for next to nothing and sell them for $175.00 +.

Hockey sticks have become like golf clubs. The manufacturers do a great job marketing them so people will pay outrageous costs for them.

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nice find. I had to chuckle a bit when I read this:

a member of the Warrior research and development team

I think I met Jared at a Chargers game a couple years ago when it was still Innovative Hockey. My buddy does some printing for them, and they let him have an Innovative 1100 and a Martin Erat Dolomite for free.

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Warrior Sports is mixing high-tech thinking with a sharp organizational system to deliver custom hockey sticks that have become a hot commodity to over 140 NHL players.

Does Warrior even think at all?

It's a good read though... But All of it seems like it's promoting Warrior; look at the bottom of the article for proof.

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why didn't they say the main reasons for making thier sticks in tijuana is to maximize profits while still being close to the U.S. They pay thier laborers next to nothing and don't have to worry about an enviromental impacts. They should explain how they make these sticks for next to nothing and sell them for $175.00 +.

Hockey sticks have become like golf clubs. The manufacturers do a great job marketing them so people will pay outrageous costs for them.

I snorted over the exact same thing Chk Hrd... and then went one further...

The article says "Players say a big part of what is drawing them is a well-developed manufacturing system that allows for subtle personal preferences in the sticks to be replicated quickly and accurately."

A ton of people are more than willing to pay HUGE bucks for a stick because an NHL player is using it. 'course it might even just be a painted verion of something completely different...LOL Either way, it certainly is NOT going to be what you get at retail.

I know this is a sacrilege on MSH, but I have always been amused by the attention people pay to what the NHL players are using... as if it actually mattered.

Warrior Sports is mixing high-tech thinking with a sharp organizational system to deliver custom hockey sticks that have become a hot commodity to over 140 NHL players.

Does Warrior even think at all?

It's a good read though... But All of it seems like it's promoting Warrior; look at the bottom of the article for proof.

Huh? What proof Sabre? Genuine question... I am obviously missing something...

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why didn't they say the main reasons for making thier sticks in tijuana is to maximize profits while still being close to the U.S. They pay thier laborers next to nothing and don't have to worry about an enviromental impacts. They should explain how they make these sticks for next to nothing and sell them for $175.00 +.

Hockey sticks have become like golf clubs. The manufacturers do a great job marketing them so people will pay outrageous costs for them.

Supply and demand. As long as people keep buying then they'll keep the price that high. And its not just hockey and golf. Millions of different manufacturers do that. Nike as an example.

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why didn't they say the main reasons for making thier sticks in tijuana is to maximize profits while still being close to the U.S. They pay thier laborers next to nothing and don't have to worry about an enviromental impacts. They should explain how they make these sticks for next to nothing and sell them for $175.00 +.

Hockey sticks have become like golf clubs. The manufacturers do a great job marketing them so people will pay outrageous costs for them.

Sadly, it's not just hockey sticks. Everything is being shipped to areas where it costs less to manufacture. Yet, the price always stays the same.

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I know this is a sacrilege on MSH, but I have always been amused by the attention people pay to what the NHL players are using... as if it actually mattered.

Warrior Sports is mixing high-tech thinking with a sharp organizational system to deliver custom hockey sticks that have become a hot commodity to over 140 NHL players.

Does Warrior even think at all?

It's a good read though... But All of it seems like it's promoting Warrior; look at the bottom of the article for proof.

Huh? What proof Sabre? Genuine question... I am obviously missing something...

First off, I agree with you. I don't see where all the fuss is concerning what the players use unless it's something we haven't seen already; in which case there is a little excitement since it's just something new. Who cares if Malkin switched to Warrior or what visor Kovalchuk is using, like anything else it's just what they like.

Secondly, I misread the last part of the article so the part after the semicolon in my original post can be disregarded.

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They (the companies) don't sell their sticks for $175. Retailers do because we have to make some money in order to stay in business.

Also, sticks previously made in Canada by TPS, and in some cases currently with RbK/CCM were also the same retail price at lower profit margins to those companies. We should be happy that they aren't American or Canadian made sticks aren't the norm in our industry. The prices would be MUCH higher.

why didn't they say the main reasons for making thier sticks in tijuana is to maximize profits while still being close to the U.S. They pay thier laborers next to nothing and don't have to worry about an enviromental impacts. They should explain how they make these sticks for next to nothing and sell them for $175.00 +.

Hockey sticks have become like golf clubs. The manufacturers do a great job marketing them so people will pay outrageous costs for them.

Sadly, the costs to manufacture these items hasn't gone done (from my personal experience in manufacturing products from graphite). The cost of graphite is at an all time high no matter where in the world that you manufacture your product.

Sadly, it's not just hockey sticks. Everything is being shipped to areas where it costs less to manufacture. Yet, the price always stays the same.

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why didn't they say the main reasons for making thier sticks in tijuana is to maximize profits while still being close to the U.S. They pay thier laborers next to nothing and don't have to worry about an enviromental impacts. They should explain how they make these sticks for next to nothing and sell them for $175.00 +.

Hockey sticks have become like golf clubs. The manufacturers do a great job marketing them so people will pay outrageous costs for them.

And cue the lurkers\manufacturer plants to spring forth and rant about R&D costs, supply and demand, etc. I'm especially hopeful that the excitable fellow who has worked for Easton and Eagle will post an angry rant about how much money it really costs to make sticks and how out of touch with reality chk hrd is.

I think the manufacturers are pretty happy with their $175 very disposable commodity reality

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