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Skate orthotics

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Anyone have experience using custom orthotics in their skates? My son found a dramatic improvement in knee pain after wearing them in his shoes, but is resistant to trying them in his skates (although he has them).He has no foot or ankle pain, but seems to be having more episodes of adductor and iliopsoas

pain.He did all the right things (professional pre season program, stretching, re-hab,rest etc.etc.)but seems to have more issues than kids who do nothing and take fewer recovery days.I am kind of at my wit's end trying to help him with physio, exercise, lay offs, relative rest etc.Obviously,I will now insist that he try the orthotics, but if anyone has had any experience with improvement in pain other than foot pain,I would appreciate your feedback.

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I overpronate and decided to get custom insoles, they are great for everyday use, but the stress of skateing makes my feet hurt more useing them than the standard insoles. (and they were made specifically for when skateing, ironically enough)

So now I use them as everday insoles, and let superfeet the do job when skateing.

A coulpe of pro players I know have had the same problems with custom insoles.

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I've read on here that it's not advisable to use the orthotics from his shoes, but to have another pair made up specifically for his skates. There may be a doctor in your area who has experience in making them for skates as well, which would be helpful. There's been a fair amount of discussion on the board on this topic.

Search Keyword: Orthotics

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My daughter wears them in her shoes... I wanted to get customs for her skates but she nixed it because she is happy using the superfeet... so I have no direct experience with them to relay.

From speaking to others who do use them, there is a similar break in period as when you get orthotics in your shoes. At first it feels like someone slipped a golf ball into your skate. Both of them said they went through the adjustment and now would never go back.

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Thanks to all for your input.He has custom skate orthotics and is reluctant to try them.My question was rather, has anyone experienced resolution of a problem such as hip or adductor pain after using them?

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I started to use Superfeet ortho's last year in my 705's. WOW what a difference it made in my balance and stride. I just picked up a pair of G3's and added the superfeet to them before I baked my skates. IMO, after doing it this way your skates will fit better than ever.

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Oh sorry, should have realized that was the angle you were taking with this. One of the friends I mentioned above had severe knee and hip problems that was making skating ever more painful and problematic.... icing before and after every game. He thought it was age and his body falling apart and he was going to quit playing. He'd crawl through the week in agony and just get healed up in time for his next game and then the cycle repeated. He wore regular orthotics in his shoes.... and I convinced him to get a pair for his skates and try them before he quit hockey (really just to stop the whining).

Apparently, his knee and hip problems were caused from the years of skating on pro-nated feet. In simplistic terms... the vibration traveling up your leg blew apart the joints over time. The orthotics have probably given him another 10 years of hockey. It hasn't been able to reverse the damage done over the years, but it does eliminate/reduce aggravation of it when he plays now. I would say he now has little to no pain when he plays... and the post-game conversation is about the game not his aches and pains.

Your podiatrist or physio can give you a better estimation because they are familiar with the type of issue your son has and what its' severity is. I tend to be careful... comes with the "mom" territory I guess, lol.... so I'd be pushing my kid into trying them not so much for the immediate benefit - but for the wear and tear over the next 20 years.

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Thanks to all for your input.He has custom skate orthotics and is reluctant to try them.My question was rather, has anyone experienced resolution of a problem such as hip or adductor pain after using them?

I dont understand why he wouldnt be willing to try them. It's not like other kids can see them or anything like (braces). I would think that anything he could use to be better would be enough reason for him to use them.

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i have orthotics in my shoes and a custom pair for skates, both from foot doctor. I got them done by the best guy i montreal. Ever since i got them about 6 years ago, it was the best change i ever made. Better stride, balance, and no pain. i HIGHLY suggest them

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Thanks Hockeymom and everyone.He is just resistant to trying the skate orthotics because"it is never the right time" i.e. "It will mess up my practice","I'm recovering from an injury and need to test out how I feel","Next time" etc.He is 14,and doesn't like to be told what to do by ME so I will show him your posts to support my case!

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Thanks Hockeymom and everyone.He is just resistant to trying the skate orthotics because"it is never the right time" i.e. "It will mess up my practice","I'm recovering from an injury and need to test out how I feel","Next time" etc.He is 14,and doesn't like to be told what to do by ME so I will show him your posts to support my case!

I actually used mine for the first time during a game. It was great. I had a goal and 2 assists. It was as if I was doing everything wrong before and when I wore the orthos it was as if I finally tied my skates.

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I don't need a full orthodic..but I use a fully moldable footbed from Sole www.yoursole.com its a good alternative to the typical skate footbed...

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I too wear custom orthotics for my skates. There's usually a little adjustment period when you start using them but it should go away soon

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