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Drinking water on the bench

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I am talking about hockey btw. Every time you get off from a shift do drink right after your shift or do you drink when you are about to get onto the ice and how much do you tend to drink when you are resting and preparing for the next shift?

The problem I have is that everytime I get off and wait on the bench I tend to drink maybe 2-3 mouth fulls of water and when I get on for my next shift its still in my stomach and it doenst feel right when I am running and when I take small amounts of water my mouth gets dried up b4 I even get into the play. So how do you tend to consume water when you are resting on the bench?

*I play ball hockey on smooth cement so spitting the water out will not work*

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i drink maybe 3-5 mouthfuls when i first sit down after a shift, but it varies on how hard I skated and how much breath i have left.

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Drink alot during the day and the day before a game. Usually don't eat for about 3 hours before a game. Have a bottle of water handy I just sip on, then during games I just keep my mouth wet and spit out the water. occasionally I'll take a drink maybe once or twice a game max.

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Not at all the first shifts, after a couple of shifts my mouth gets a bit dried so I drink a mouthfull per 2 shifts.

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I take a couple swigs of water after every shift at the start of the game and taper off as the game goes on. I don't have much body fat so I tend to drink more water during the game than most people. I tend to use up the water pretty fast so I rarely have it sitting in my stomach uncomfortably.

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just take small amounts at a time, the feeling you have when the water is still in your stomach is probally because you drank quite a bit, just take small amounts and that should change the feeling

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I fond that chewing gum keep my mouth from getting too dry but I can't say I suggest you try it.

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You mite get rocked and end up choking on the gum. I know Pavel Bure used to chew gum, I dont know if he still does. If he ever plays again that is. :(

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Exactly why I don't suggest it. I know Gary Roberts is a huge health nut and he really bellieves in taking a small drink after every shift. You can only get oxygen back into your body two ways, breathing or water.

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I drink very little water during periods for the exact reason you stated, that it sits in you stomach. I'll rinse out my mouth with water after a shift, but mostly reserve rehydration for between periods. While you are playing your body shunts blood away from the stomach and intestines and increases flow to mucles and heart. The fluid you consume often will indeed remain in your stomach. This is why mom always said, "don't go in to the water for an hour after you eat".

Also of note is that Gatorade in designed to be diluted in half with water. When it was origionally developed it was designed to be mixed in a cooler full of ice and as the ice melted in diluted the solution. People however do not like the taste of half strength, so gatorade markets it in full strength. But at full strength it is "hyper osmolar" and can cause abdominal cramps.

End of dissertation :blink:

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i second that. I Once read something that said Poweraid, Gatorade and other fruit drinks are good for drinking while you play sports but they should be mixed with water.

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makes sense, gatorade always had a worse effect on my then water. espcially when i played soccer. it made me much slower and more sluggish. i'll have to try that out next game. does the 1/2 water idea work with the bottles of gatorade? i.e. the 16 or 32 oz? or is it just the powder stuff

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is it me or is it rink chill water is just the most perfect water you ever had?

its chilled to perfection

and it always taste so good when you get on the bench


...so perfect I wonder where it comes from...

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same here

anyways i think the reason your thirsty when you come off the ice is because your mouth needs to be wet so take some water, rinse your mouth, spit it out and then drink 1 sip (swallow) this is what i do.

also chewing gum makes your mouth create more saliva, making it feel less dry. I read that on webmd

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Dont drink any water 90 minuets before the game because your kidneys take 90 minuets to proces extra fluid. Take a couple quick sips right before you go onto the ice to replace some water you will lose as sweat.

On the ice, Dont wait till you are thirsty to drink. Mostly everyone knows that but for those who dont, you get thirsty because there is to much sodium in your blood. If you wait till your thirsty to drink, you've waited to long.

Take little sips as soon as you get on the bench and then one little one before you go on the ice. Dont drink so much that your stomach feels irritated or empty. The reason this may happen is because when you play hockey more oxygen is sent to muscles instead of the stomach, so it takes longer to digest and do its thing.

The main time to drink is imbetween periods. you should drink lots of water or fruit juice. Read the label on the fruit juice. If it has 6-8 % carbohydrates then you can drink it. If it has anymore then 6-8% then you will needto dilute it with water so it doesnt take to long to digest and turn into energy.

You shoud also drink more water/fruit juice and eat more fruit and carbohydrates RIGHT after your game because there is a 20 minuet window. This means within the next 20 minuets after your game your muscles and body are open to recive and digest more carbohydrates then usual. If you wait untill after the 20 minuets to get something into your body it will take you MUCH longer to regain full energy then someone who uses the 20 minuet window.

Hope that helps.

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