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Some stick advice plz?

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Hey all,

I need some basic advice on what stick to get. I haven't played much hockey in the last few years but looking to get into it on a more regular basis now.

I want to pickup a new stick. Was looking into the:

Bauer V2 w Kovalchuk p91 blade. However, i dont know if i should get the regular or mid-flex? I guess i am more of a beginner so what would you guys suggest? Start with the regular and move to mid if i want later on?

Rest of new gear:

Bauer Vapor XIX skates

Bauer XV gloves

Good choices?

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XV Gloves and XIX Skates are good, solid choices for equipment. I'm in XIX skates right now and they've held up well for me.

As for your flex problem, I'd go with a regular flex and adjust as necessary; if it's too stiff, go to a medium flex, and if it's too whippy, go to the stiff flex.

EDIT: If you're really new, I'd start with a wood stick or a cheap(er) graphite shaft/blade combo, maybe an Easton Ultra-Lite with a wood blade. I'd suggest to start with a Forsberg/Modano curve for Easton, PM9 for Bauer, and Tkachuk for TPS if you want a "neutral" curve (they're all the same), and, again, adjust as needed if you have any problems. If you need more loft you can look into a heel wedge, or a bigger curve if you need help with stickhandling. Or you can just stay with the Forsberg, like many users on this board (and myself).

Have fun!

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if you ask me... I'd steer away from the P91 pattern.... I'm relatively new as well... and I picked up the P91 because I used the Easton "Drury" pattern in dekhockey leagues and whatnot....

With the open curve of the P91, you tend to grow 'dependant' of the loft on the curve.. and every shot is a high-riser... I stopped using the P91, as I felt like it was hindering my ability to shoot on skates..

just my opinion....that's all

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Thanks for the quick reply. Going to try to find my right sizes either @ epuck or hockey.com and have then ship everything to my friend in Philly, then get it shipped via UPS to Toronto.

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Don't UPS it - unless he declares the value to be less than $20.


Here's what you'll probably be nailed with, in addition to the GST and PST that you would normally pay. (probably the brokerage fee, the C.O.D. fee for collecting the brokerage, and probably a line classification or two)

Sending via USPS will have Canada Post charge GST + PST + $5 handling fee.

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Hey all,

I need some basic advice on what stick to get. I haven't played much hockey in the last few years but looking to get into it on a more regular basis now.

I want to pickup a new stick. Was looking into the:

Bauer V2 w Kovalchuk p91 blade. However, i dont know if i should get the regular or mid-flex? I guess i am more of a beginner so what would you guys suggest? Start with the regular and move to mid if i want later on?

Rest of new gear:

Bauer Vapor XIX skates

Bauer XV gloves

Good choices?

It depends on your height and weight, but for beginners the 87 flex is the one to go with. If you are a giant you might consider something higher, but in most cases the 87 would be the way to go.

As for ordering online, I would really consider going to your local hockey shop (LHS) to purchase your skates from them. The cost may be slightly higher, but when you factor all the extra charges you incur online it really makes more sense to stay local.

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i had a pair of vapor XV gloves, i loved them, virtualy no break in time. They felt good the day i brought them home from the store. They are deffinetly a solid glove. My school wont let me use them though because they are green and we need black gloves.

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I'd agree on getting the 87 (regular) flex. it'll give a good balance of usability for wrist shots and snapshots. Since you're just starting out, you don't really have a point of reference for what you like. the V2 is relatively cheap, so if the curve of flex doesn't quite work out for you, you're not breaking the bank.

The mid flex (77 in nike-bauer terms) might be a better choice if you're a smaller player, but some guys just prefer a whippier stick.

As you develop and learn the game, you'll develop your own preferences.

An earlier post suggested that you go with a 2 piece shaft/blade combo, and this is also a good idea, as it will allow you to experiment with different blade patterns in a more cost-effective manner. With the V2 going so cheap, however, it's not too much of a risk.

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Wow, didnt expect that many replies...thanks guys.

So anyone else care to comments on the P91 blade? I really like the weight and of the V2...was even considering a VIII because i can pick it up for like 50-55$..not much of a risk like "DamnLocust" said.

I have no experience with the P91....just figured i wanna get that extra bit of lift....but i dont want to develop some bad habits either...so if anyone care to comment on that...i would appreciate it.

ODP: I was going to to have my friend send it as a gift via UPS...marked 50$ value, but insure it for like 600$.

Any more comments greatly appreciated.

As for going to my LHS, i am looking at paying 499$ CA for the Bauer Vapor XIX's. I can pick them up for 239.99$ US online. Thats a HUGE difference. Thats why i think online is a better choice

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As far as I know you cant insure a package for more then the value you declare on it. And UPS will still screw you on the brokerage fee. I've heard the USPS is by far the best option for US->Canada shipping

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Wow, didnt expect that many replies...thanks guys.

So anyone else care to comments on the P91 blade? I really like the weight and of the V2...was even considering a VIII because i can pick it up for like 50-55$..not much of a risk like "DamnLocust" said.

I have no experience with the P91....just figured i wanna get that extra bit of lift....but i dont want to develop some bad habits either...so if anyone care to comment on that...i would appreciate it.

ODP: I was going to to have my friend send it as a gift via UPS...marked 50$ value, but insure it for like 600$.

Any more comments greatly appreciated.

As for going to my LHS, i am looking at paying 499$ CA for the Bauer Vapor XIX's. I can pick them up for 239.99$ US online. Thats a HUGE difference. Thats why i think online is a better choice

Uh, I'm pretty sure marking it as $50 value and insuring it for $600 will cause you to pay taxes on $600 and possibly make matters worse. But hey, what do I know - I've never had the guts to try it. Give it a whirl and let me know how it goes.

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P91 usually isn't a good choice for a beginner.

The other thing with a Drury clone is that it seems like people either love it or hate it, whereas someone can hand me a Sakic and I can get by.

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Good choices on the XIX skates and XV gloves. Was tempted to go for XIX skates until I bought something else.

And on the V2 stick, I just bought the exact same stick in the same curve. I went for the medium flex since I wanted to try something flexy. But the stick is so much longer than any other one I've had so I had to hack it down a few inches and wound up to be the regular flex, mid 80-ish. So if your cutting it down, I'd go for the medium unless you prefer a stiffer stick.

I wouldn't waste your extra bucks on the VIII, not much difference except it's supposedly more durable, remains to be seen if that is true. I've check them both out, doesn't seem to be much difference cept for the lower part of the VIII where it has some sorta mesh.

I honestly love the Kovalchuk curve. I'm coming from a Lidstrom so it's a little different, but it does help me get the puck up...sometimes a little too much. I can see why it'll cause bad habits, but I only used it for a limited amount of time. But I took quite a few shots the first night I had it in warmup...after a while I got decent control of it, so I don't think it'll be too much of an issue after a while.

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I am kind of afraid to mark a package 20$ and then not insure it for like 500$. But there must be a way to send gifts without paying taxes on them. Ill look into it further.

As for the stick blades....What blade would you guys recommend?? If i go with the V2 or V3 (VIII) ? Seems like alot of ppl dont suggest i take the P91.

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P91 usually isn't a good choice for a beginner.

from a beginner... agreed. You tend to grow dependant of the blade's loft, and end up "shoveling" shots high, instead of learning how to shoot properly. I've switched to a Forsberg pattern, and I love it. Way more control.

I honestly love the Kovalchuk curve. I'm coming from a Lidstrom so it's a little different, but it does help me get the puck up...sometimes a little too much. I can see why it'll cause bad habits, but I only used it for a limited amount of time. But I took quite a few shots the first night I had it in warmup...after a while I got decent control of it, so I don't think it'll be too much of an issue after a while.

yeah,like I mentioned in earlier posts... I've played dekhockey for well over 15 years, and used a Drury the past 3 years. It was all well and good shooting a ball on foot. But once I started playing ice hockey, and learning to skate/shoot/etc....every single shot I took flew right up to the top of the net. I really wasn't learning to shoot properly, I wasn't loading up the stick or anything..... I even got some dirty looks from a few goalies in pickup hours, for launching head-hunters from the face off circles.

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Could always give the St Louis or Lindros pattern a try since they're neutral.

from a beginner... agreed. You tend to grow dependant of the blade's loft, and end up "shoveling" shots high, instead of learning how to shoot properly. I've switched to a Forsberg pattern, and I love it. Way more control.

I'm actually liking the shoveling. I find myself up front a lot, helps when I'm just kinda whacking at the puck. But yeah, I totally understand about the headhunters. First shot I took with the thing I hit my goalie square in the mask...luckily he's an easy going guy doesn't mind at all.

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I tell the women I coach all the time, You can't shoot UNDER the net.

shooting high is sexy and sometimes you have to, but 16 inches off the ice stick side might be the hardest shot to stop period. (the kid from dallas is ripping goalies in shoot outs with it)

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Without knowing your exact dimensions, where you carry the puck, how you shoot the puck, its very hard to recommend a pattern for you. But, since you are a beginner, I would probably suggest the PM9 or St. Louis pattern. It is very easy to stick handle with, and it has no rocker so puck control is easier. The lie is a 5, which is pretty low, but in my opinion its better than having a lie thats too high.

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I am 5'11"-6' 180-185lbs. Ya, i am more of a beginner than anything, but i am also a tennis instructor and have played golf so i feel that my hand-eye coordination is a step above most hockey beginners.

Anyway, how horrible would it be to start with a P91? thank you for all your comments...i really appreciate, just kinda want to be able to shovel that puck a bit :P hehe, but dont want to become dependant either, so if most ppl advise otherwise I was considering the P88 over the PM9.


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I am 5'11"-6' 180-185lbs. Ya, i am more of a beginner than anything, but i am also a tennis instructor and have played golf so i feel that my hand-eye coordination is a step above most hockey beginners.

Anyway, how horrible would it be to start with a P91? thank you for all your comments...i really appreciate, just kinda want to be able to shovel that puck a bit :P hehe, but dont want to become dependant either, so if most ppl advise otherwise I was considering the P88 over the PM9.


Well you may discover that you love the P91, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just I find the Drury to be harder to stick handle with, and I also think its a little one-dimensional.

If you want my advice, start with a shaft/blade 2 piece system and experiment with different curves. That is the best way to determine which pattern you like the best. In the course of a few weeks I've gone from a Lidstrom, to a Warrior Smyth, to a TPS Sundin, to a Sakic, to a CCM Lecavalier, and I really like what the Lecavalier feels like. And because I use a 2pc I'm able to experiment rather cheaply.

Your best bet is to buy a p88 or pm9 and try and notice how your game reacts. If you get the p88 and you find lots of passes are slipping under the blade, then you need a lower lie; if you find you really like taking slapshots over wrist shots, then may want to give the Lidstrom a try; if get most of you shots off from in close to the net the a p91 is probably the way to go. But I would start with something more "vanilla" like the p88 or pm9.

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