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Graf Supra 705 comments?

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I just bought a pair of Graf Supra 705's last night,

I have always heard from friends that it is a great boot and skate along with the cobra holders.

Just wondering what the MSH community thinks of this skate.

Thanks in advance!

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ive had a pair for the past year and a bit of hockey. They were tanks and show little wear. They are however pretty damn heavy, thats the downside, but the life youll get out of them will surpass the weight.

I switched to a tuuk holder because the cobras were to much lean than i wanted.

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;) As already mentioned not the lightest skate on the market but has a high quality durable boot. You want a skate that lasts you've purchased the right one.You won't find a skate on the market that is better quality than Graf. If the skate suits your feet you will also have unmatched comfort second to none. I prefer the Cobra holder over the T-Blades but that's a personal preferance. The Cobra holder is known as one of the best on the market today. All in all the 705 is one of the best skates in the world and even though it's slightly heavy than a lot of the newer models I still consider it a high performance skate. I'm being very impartial because I'm a very loyal CCM skate customer.

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g5 is DEFINATELY not as durable.

Three guys on my team have them one guy whom is the same skate size as me.

we swapped for a practice and boy are they broken down already.

They cosmetically break down quicker too. The Laminated (not sure what to call it) part tears very quick from what ive seen.

the regular 705's will hold up like none other. I hope they dont phase it out, like bauer and the 8090's. :(

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The 705's are tanks! I was not happy with the quality of the newer bauer skates so I made the switch to Grafs. All I can say is that I love them! Best fit I have ever had in skates. As the others have said, they are a bit on the heavy side but not that bad. As for the holders thats up for debate! I did not mind the lean/pitch of the cobras it was the steel that I did not like. I just got a pair of Ultra G5's with LS2 power holders. After getting the blades figured out I would have to say that I like the power holders better! Stick with Graf boots because you wont find anything better!

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I just bought a pair of Graf Supra 705's last night,

I have always heard from friends that it is a great boot and skate along with the cobra holders.

Just wondering what the MSH community thinks of this skate.

Thanks in advance!

So how do you like your 705's? Sweet skates hey.

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I just bought some 705's 11W today. my LHS shop owner said the 709's may have worked for me and maybe I could have squeezed into a 10.5. but there was no 709 to try on. after baking these skates I was pretty confident in them.

Graf's durability in the 700 series is legendary, and they have been refered to as the cadillac of skates.

after further inspection of the skates at home, I am convinced the 705 11W is the absolute perfect fitting skate for my foot. they address fit problems I had with my vector's. they are very comfy and I'm getting heel suck like I haven't had since my old mission amp4's, but they fit way better than those ever did.

I fitted some superfeet synergizer footbeds and rocked the yellow waxed laces, they are ready for the rink. (too bad I'm not; badly sprained ankle).

I may post a review in a couple months?

I'm already wishing I had another pair so I could have one for ice and one for roller!

a sidenote: I was trying to squeeze into a pair of 705 10.5R's when I noticed what must be the latest model's outsole. some sort of composite?! I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, I have heard of problems with the comp. outsoles on the G5 Ultra's?

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Skated my 705's for the first time today. Haven't skated ice for about 3 years (rollerblade alot).

The only bad thing was I kept catching my toes.

All in all great fit, comfortable, I skated better than 3 years ago with my old ice skates. Lots of forward lean, ample support, fast skates, very happy.

My pf10's caused alot of ankle pain, I experienced none today. Gonna put the new Sprung's on in April.

I'll keep you posted.

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I had a pair of 705 boots mounted to roller and loved them. They lasted me longer then any other skate and were the most comfortable skates I have ever worn.

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Hearing all the good things about Graf, and needing new skates, I got some 705's recently. I've skated in them about 5 times and walked around the house a couple times in them. One public skate and four pick-up games.

I came from wearing Bauer 2000's with C+ that I skated in for a long time (I'm a fairly small guy), but the holder was cracked and I thought it might be fun to just get some new boots, and had some cash available. It had been a few years since I had skated, so the change from the C+ to the Cobra wasn't that noticeable.

So after skating in the 705's, I'm starting to question whether it was the best purchase for me. There is only one LHS around, so I didn't have the option and luxury of trying on all different models and brands of every skate made.

Of course right off the bat no brand new skate is going to feel all that comfortable. They were baked and that helped a little, and I know it just takes some time and discomfort for them to start feeling better. I kept the laces a little more loose at the front and front-mid foot as that was where I was experiencing the most discomfort.

I skated yesterday and I'm having a lot of pressure in my right arch. I laced both of them a little tighter up front than I had been, and there is still a lot of squeeze, when I'm skating I don't notice so much, its when I'm gliding or standing still. In my left skate, my heel slips up and down ever so slightly, not enough to cause a blister, but the back of my heel is sore today. I laced them really tight around the ankle and base of the ankle to try and prevent it, but it didn't work. I do wear socks, just plain tube socks, maybe I should try no socks or something that is thinner?

That is my experience so far. I don't weigh a lot so I know break in time will be much longer, I need to give it some more time. The right arch can be punched a little to ease up the pressure there (I assume). I don't know about the left heel though and if there is anything that can be done?

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I dont use socks with my 705's and never have. When I broke mine in I had a bit of heal lift in my left skate for a while but it went away! I only lace the last 2-3 eyes real tight. I would say it took 2 mths to get them to feel like slippers. As for the cobra holders they are ok but not great. I did not mind the pitch at all. Its the quality of the steel. It chips all the time!

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I dont use socks with my 705's and never have. When I broke mine in I had a bit of heal lift in my left skate for a while but it went away! I only lace the last 2-3 eyes real tight. I would say it took 2 mths to get them to feel like slippers. As for the cobra holders they are ok but not great. I did not mind the pitch at all. Its the quality of the steel. It chips all the time!

That's good to know that the heel lift can go away! I'll try not wearing socks, or maybe something a lot thinner than tubes, I've always worn socks and messing around one day I put them on without socks and it felt a little unusual. I noticed that the steel does chip and gets scratched very easily. Just from the few pick up games, which weren't very intense, I have a few scrapes in the side of the blade, and a few nicks in the edges but they're towards the toe and heel on the curve.

Is there different steel available that will fit the cobra?

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Try the grey Superfeet synergizer footbeds, they give a slight lift in the heel and would probably remove the slippage you are refering to. They also have very good arch support and supposedly increase edge control.

I put them in my 705's and experienced no heel slippage whatsoever.

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love the 705s,ive had them for about 6years now.a deep knee bend skate,great fit,no brake down,although i switched them to roller with the sprung frame,this is one boot that will last a life time,one of the best skates i ever bought.

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I've been skating in my 705's for about a month now, it took a bit of getting used to the pitch coming from ccm pro tacks, but now I can say I really like it, on straight forward skating I can really dig in and get some power in to my strides.. sharp turns have been a little awkward as I seem to be making wider turns but maybe thats just me. I was thinking of putting on a custom+ or ccm holder but I'm thinking I'll just wait till the steel or the holder breaks because I actually like this fwd pitch.

edit: I have noticed that the cobras are both not mounted exactly centered.. I'll try to take some pics to show, it seems that one skate has the holder mounted a little to the left but I havn't really noticed this as a problem when skating.

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skated my 705's enough to tell everyone how much I love them! If you could find a graf 700 series skate that fits you properly, buy it! you will not be disappointed.

I was skeptical about the pitch of the cobra holders at first, but I really like them.(even though I need to get some taken off the toe and it's tougher to go backwards).

I had a breif stint with t-blades today(one skate), but I'm happily going back to the cobra's.

the only question about these skates is durability and their durability is legendary. I love everything about them!

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