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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Smallest shoulder pad caps

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First of all, how nice are these? Old School

Second, does anyone know which of the current model shoulder pads have the narrowest shoulder caps? I think the Itech "recreationals" are just as narrow as the Coopers above, but they don't offer much protection. The Sherwood 5030's have medium-wide caps. Are the Bauer Classic shoulders narrower or wider than the SW 5030's? Any other models that I should consider?


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if you're looking for small shoulder pads, you're guna want something wide too, so you protect the whole shoulder. theres plenty of low profile shoulder pads. a lot of kids ive seen are using them sherwood 5030s and they dont complain about protction, and they have very low profile.

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Graf 703s aren't bad but I have some rusting issues with the lace eyelets. Hespeler has been making "classic" models for a while and the new "Vintage" line is similar to the Sher-woods.

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I'm interested in the bauers myself but im not going to order them without seeing them myself or other members commenting on their quality.

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I wear the SW 5030s all the time and have never had one problem with them at all. The 5030s are very comfortable and well put together. I have heard good things concerning the Hespeler line also.

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