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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick flex help keep shot lower?

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no. Turn your hand over if your shooting too high. Where the puck goes all has to to with following through to the target, nothing to do with the stick flex.

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Well... not directly... a whipper flex will need less effort for more velocity... so if you put the same effort in as you put in with a stiff flex, it should go high, but if you learn how to aim...

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is this true, can a whippier stick actually make your shot higher and a stiffer one keeps them down because u cant flex them as much?

I've never noticed my shots going higher with a whippier flex, nor have stiffer flexes kept them lower. If you're using way too stiff of a flex though, then you may have problems getting off a good shot. Otherwise it's follow through height as Cavs has mentioned.

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Actually I remember having my 50 flex Zbubble and I shot considerably lower with that. Now i have a 75 zbubble and when i just go up to shoot it without aiming it goes much higher. When I try to shoot my hardest thoguh it would bo about 1-2 feet about the ice.

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The 50 was an Yzerman jr and the 75 is a Sakic. They're fairly similar but i think the Sakic starts curving JUST a little closer to the heel than the yzerman which probably is the reason. Plus the Sakic has more loft.

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I've seen a number of kids using a flex that is too stiff and having problems lifting the puck. When they simply switched to a shaft with more flex their shots improved.

If you aren't strong enough to make a shaft flex it may be too stiff for you.

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