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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TransFlash Cards

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I'm getting a TransFlash card for Christmas to boost up the memory in my cell phone, does anyone know if there is a way to transfer either songs or photos from the card to your computer? All of the card slots on my computer are too big for the flash card, which is extremely tiny. Thanks for the help.

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it comes with an adapter that fits any sd card reader. As far as file transfering, it depends on what phone/carrier(some companies disable phones ability to file transfer, so that you are forced to buy ringtones and wallpapers from them).

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Alright thanks. I guess that's what the other card is for. I thought it was just a package and it was a regular card you could use on a digital camera. I have a Samsung ACH-950 Phone with Verizon.


Any idea if it'd work?

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I used to have that phone. I got a 512mb transflash with a SD card adapter that I plugged it into. I had no issues transferring songs or photos to and from my computer.

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Alright, thanks for the help BK and TBL

P.S. There are also programs out there that let you convert mp3's to their ringtone format (if you didn't know, Verizon doesn't use mp3 format for their ringtones). The phone wont recognize it if its not in that file format.. kinda off topic, but it took me forever to figure out coming from Cingular, where if an mp3 was on your phone or memory card, you could also use it as a ringer.

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I think verizon (or at least they used to) disables that. Actually, with the motorola v710(and some other handsets) they disabled file transfering all together.

Alltel > verizon :P

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I think verizon (or at least they used to) disables that. Actually, with the motorola v710(and some other handsets) they disabled file transfering all together.

Alltel > verizon :P

all you have to do is reflash the firmware.

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which voids the warranty and can fry the phone if you don't know what you're doing.

It was MUCH easier to mod my phone from alltel, than anyone to do anything with the verizon phone.

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lol... how are you "frying the phone" by flashing firmware.... that is physically impossible. Firmware is software, all you are doing is replacing it. Ive put mp3 ringtones on my sisters LG verizon phone many times (with verizon firmware).

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I didn't say that you ARE frying you phone, I said you CAN. There's plenty of people that have flashed their phones just to see it die.

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