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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White Rbk 9k

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ya smyth has been ripping of gretzky's look for quite a while, tucked in jersey, 16' classic cuffs (had up until earlier this year the exact same glove gretz used to use)...hell he still has whatever company stick hes using turn it into a silver-tip. Can't believe he made warrior make him an ak27 with the silver tip lol. skates are sick as hell though.

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  lacount12 said:

ok the whole thing with the white 9k RBK'S is they got them custom made.I know a ccm/rbk brand rep and was lookin at all the new equipment that is comming out for the 07/08 season.RBK will not be comming out with white 9ks.the only people to ever where them will be any pro that gets them custom made.The next skate that RBK will come out with isnt comming out until this time next year. And the skates the smyth has the holders arnt blue there the new black holders that ccm has released they come with the new model of the Vector 10.0's the black and silver ones that ovechkin now wears.Personally i would loved to see white 9ks i love them and think they would sell really good.But as of now RBK hasnt mentioned anything about them. I will keep you all posted on anything new that ccm/rbk comes out with

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:lol: :lol: man you re so funny here s the retail version B) http://img477.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rbk126fm3.jpg

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  BIG said:
  lacount12 said:

ok the whole thing with the white 9k RBK'S is they got them custom made.I know a ccm/rbk brand rep and was lookin at all the new equipment that is comming out for the 07/08 season.RBK will not be comming out with white 9ks.the only people to ever where them will be any pro that gets them custom made.The next skate that RBK will come out with isnt comming out until this time next year. And the skates the smyth has the holders arnt blue there the new black holders that ccm has released they come with the new model of the Vector 10.0's the black and silver ones that ovechkin now wears.Personally i would loved to see white 9ks i love them and think they would sell really good.But as of now RBK hasnt mentioned anything about them. I will keep you all posted on anything new that ccm/rbk comes out with

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:lol: :lol: man you re so funny here s the retail version B) http://img477.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rbk126fm3.jpg

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I don't want make you guys jealous but I've put a hand on one of these retail skates. Sick skates...Everyone is asking me where I've got these.

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Easy ...7d was the size missing i got size 6.5... So there is one pair GW 9k in sherbrook and one pair in quebec city! B)

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  BIG said:

Easy ...7d was the size missing i got size 6.5... So there is one pair GW 9k in sherbrook and one pair in quebec city! B)

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6.5, or 6.0 or even 5.5!!

I'm state side....PM me the place where I can get ANY of those sizes.

=) Best friends forever!

Also, can you take a close pic of the box label? So I can see the model number etc.etc.

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  homexlife said:

Can't believe he made warrior make him an ak27 with the silver tip lol.

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He uses a Foil Sticker on his sticks to give it the "Silver Tip" look. They aren't done for him by the manufacturer. He's done it ever since Easton stopped making the A/G's he used.

Did it on his Hespelers (the "Moo-Lay shaft"), on his Vapour XX shafts and now on his Warriors.

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  Shawn in Tampa said:

So I called Reebok......

These are special order, or special reserve. Can only be ordered by certain dealers, and they have to go through their sales rep....

I am gonna hunt down a pair for sure.

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that sounds great

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Do you think Perani's can get them? Is Mr. Reid still the CCM Rep for Mich? Would he be handling the RBK line too, or would there a seperate Rep?

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