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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot To The Foot

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So tonight at practice i took a pretty hard snap shot to the tounge of my right foot.

It really hurts to walk on it right now and i'am just wondering if I should go see a doctor tomorrow?

I do have a tensor on it and i'am trying to stay off of it.

Btw I was wearing my one90s and one90s have hardly any protection on the tounge.

Should I go see a doc?

Or wait it out?

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Only you know how much it hurts but if you have problems putting weight on it, a doctor is a very good idea.

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I can walk on it if I put the weight to the outside of my foot but if I put pressure to the inside it hurts quite a bit

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You should see a doctor tomorrow just in case. A teammate of mine took a shot off the top of the foot (also wearing One90s) on Friday during a pickup game and is now out 4-6 weeks with a broken foot. He wasn't too happy with the tongue protection after that either...but then again, not too many skates have a protective enough tongue to prevent all damage from hard shots.

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Go to a doctor if there's the slightest amount of pain in the morning. I've broken bones in my foot just by landing on it funny so it's never a bad call to have it looked at.

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