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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Profile Question

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I just got my One90s profiled by a 'skate specialist' because apparently my steel and radius was badly screwed up by the couple of LHS I go to for sharpening. I think I asked for 10' radius and 5/8 hollow. When I got the skates back, there's a sticker that says 9/10 - 5/8. Does anyone know what that means?

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Yes, he gave you a compound radius. It is 9' from the balance point forward, and 10' from the balance point to the heel. Sounds like a Maximum-Edge job.

Why didn't he just give you what you wanted?

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You are right JR! It is a Max-Edge job (Ultimate Edge). I also wanted 1/2" hollow but they insisted on 5/8" because of the extra steel I would have now after the profiling. Before profiling, I had barely any steel touching the ice.

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Has anyone used a compond radius before? What would be the advantage of a 9/10?

Quicker acceleration but more stable in turns? It sounds like too much tweaking to me.

Well it is a very common profile in the NHL as it does exactly that great turns but better acceleration.

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Well profile at first but then would they be able to keep the profile after a few sharpenings too? It seems like a lot of times the guy that does my skates makes them off balanced.

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You are right JR! It is a Max-Edge job (Ultimate Edge). I also wanted 1/2" hollow but they insisted on 5/8" because of the extra steel I would have now after the profiling. Before profiling, I had barely any steel touching the ice.

I've used this profile and hollow the past year myself, and it's been phenomenal. The sharpener also adjusted my blades to provide me with a bit of forward lean (TUUK LS2s) to compensate for how they came from the factory.

This set-up didn't necessarily make me any faster, but it does enable me to skate without spending as much energy.

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If he is a good sharpener, he will not ruin the profile. Unfortunately, not everyone is good.

I don't know what goes on behind the counter during sharpenings, but can sharpeners visually tell what the profile on the skates are or is there some sort of "chart" they measure it against before they sharpen it?

Same with regular sharpenings, do they know what hollow you currently have by feeling it or do you have to tell them each time, why I'm asking is that I sorta feel like I'm coming off as if they may not know how to do their job when I tell them what hollow I'm on.

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I think you have to tell them if they don't know you, and then hope they apply equal pressure across the blade to keep the profile intact. Not an expert so others may offer a different answer.

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If he is a good sharpener, he will not ruin the profile. Unfortunately, not everyone is good.

I don't know what goes on behind the counter during sharpenings, but can sharpeners visually tell what the profile on the skates are or is there some sort of "chart" they measure it against before they sharpen it?

Same with regular sharpenings, do they know what hollow you currently have by feeling it or do you have to tell them each time, why I'm asking is that I sorta feel like I'm coming off as if they may not know how to do their job when I tell them what hollow I'm on.

When I had mine profiled last January, the gentleman at the shop held my blades up to a 9'/10' template and held both over a flourescent light so we could clearly see how much glide surface I had on my blades. One blade was actually pretty good, but the second only had about 1/2" of steel touching the ice. No WONDER I felt like I picked up speed when I lifted that skate off the ice and skated on one foot! When I picked up my skates, they'd placed a small sticker on the holder that said "UE 5/8", meaning that Ultimate Edge Sports had sharpened my skates with s 5/8" hollow.

I wouldn't worry about telling the sharpener what hollow you want, if you don't you'll probably end up with their "standard" depth. The shop I used to go to before I found my current place actually had a place on their order ticket for you to indicate what hollow you'd like. They may also just ask if you have a preference.

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