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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saddam to be hanged in 30 days

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Crazy stuff, but can't say I mind it being who it is. THockey maybe you should put a disclaimer on there, not for the weak haha.

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He looks awfully relaxed there....in fact, those shots look like shots from one of the days of trial.

He was probably sedated. I find it hard to believe after the way he behaved in court he would not have much to say before he cashed in his chips...

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My dad said he saw a different video of the hanging that was much clearer and was right on Saddam's face when he went down. I'll find it sooner or later.

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Guys, I'm not really down with posting a snuff film. Do a search and you'll find it just about everywhere else.

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Guys, I'm not really down with posting a snuff film. Do a search and you'll find it just about everywhere else.

Looks like the new Iraqi Government isn't down with it either. They have arrested 2 guards and an official for taunting Saddam and taping the proceedings.

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