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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike swift jerseys make it to college hockey

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those jerseys are pretty disgusting... and I mean that in the negative sense. Have these companies and league officials realized that no one will buy these... especially when you look in the crowd and realize the physical shapes on modern day fans... you have to be in pretty good shape to pull something like that off

this will be a one and out, these can't last

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Guys guys guys those pics arent actually the same thing they where in the games thats just the template of it, that isnt the same exact thing they where in the games

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I don't understand Lerg...he should be a Mission kid.

I've always wondered that myself. For as long as Bryan's been here, he's never used any Mission. I don't even think he's used the NBH sticks the school is supplied, it's always been Easton. Jeff even suprises me, wearing CCM Blockade's...would've thought he'd get something better than those.

Michigan's jerseys looked like piss (the navy jerseys should look decent), but State's were alright. One thing I noticed about these jerseys was that no player was wearing them like they were worn in the Olympics. Most of the players wore them loose, not skin tight as I remember from the Olympics. Ratchuk's was so loose that he had the bottom of the back of his jersey flapping around. I thought that was one of the points of the Swift jerseys, that they were suppposed to be tight? And I figured they'd be using the Swift socks as well.

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i think theyre alright except for the square neck...



the necks look terrible there.

why would they change them to a square neck?

i dont see the point at all

To screw with 11 year olds like yourself. Next year they're going have patches on there saying "The bunny was in the hat the whole time."

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I don't understand Lerg...he should be a Mission kid.

I've always wondered that myself. For as long as Bryan's been here, he's never used any Mission.

Actually, he did use Mission (L-2) his first year there. What I am surprised to see is that he went to State over UofM. His dad played at UofM. From what I heard was that Red said that they had no scholarship money for him until the following year and State offered him the full ride right then and there.

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I don't understand Lerg...he should be a Mission kid.

I've always wondered that myself. For as long as Bryan's been here, he's never used any Mission. I don't even think he's used the NBH sticks the school is supplied, it's always been Easton. Jeff even suprises me, wearing CCM Blockade's...would've thought he'd get something better than those.

Michigan's jerseys looked like piss (the navy jerseys should look decent), but State's were alright. One thing I noticed about these jerseys was that no player was wearing them like they were worn in the Olympics. Most of the players wore them loose, not skin tight as I remember from the Olympics. Ratchuk's was so loose that he had the bottom of the back of his jersey flapping around. I thought that was one of the points of the Swift jerseys, that they were suppposed to be tight? And I figured they'd be using the Swift socks as well.

well i think that jeff lerg still uses those pads because he is so tiny and the blockades are HUGE! i mean yeah hes a good goalie and all but come on those things are insane.

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