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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Player drafted 2 times?

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I'm not a draft expert, but you have a certain time period in which to be signed by the club. If you aren't signed you either become a free agent or his rights by whatever club who drafted him are lost, and he can enter the draft again.

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If a player has not been signed before the draft two years after his original draft he is eligible to go back in. I think Boynton's one of the more popular people that this happened to. A lot of people end up being signed right before they're eligible to go back in, in fear of losing them.

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Happened with Trevor Hendrikx and the CBJ. They like him a lot, but couldn't get a deal worked out and liked him enough to draft him again.

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i believe that was tim brent... drafted by anaheim twice

then there was the infamous fedor federov who was drafted twice but by 2 different teams

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