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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good deals of skates and chassis........

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If you build your own skates take a look at Hockey World and Hockey Giant. Hockey World has some great deals on Doust skates and some other brands and Hockey Giant has Sherwood (E-Frames size large for $4.99).

I ordered a couple sets of the chassis and I hope they are adult Large. They say Size 6 (LARGE) on the web page and the girl I talked to assured me that they were Adult Large so I hope she is right.

I am going to build a set of CCM 652's with the Sherwwod E-Frame for a total of $80.00 plus shipping not including the cost of wheels and bearings that I already have. So take a look at the web sites.....

This is a good way for me to have new skates, of decent quality, without spending a fortune and also mounting the frames myself cuts those costs also.

Rick Henry

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hockeyworld is crazy i love that site.

i don't know where they dug up some of the stuff on there, it's like looking through some 10-15 year old great skate catalogs i used to have.

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are the Sherwood E-frames just a rebadged version of the Red Star E-frame? they look really similar. if so, $4.99 is a whale of a deal for a well made 7000 series aluminum chassis.

you're going to have one sick pair of "cheap" skates....

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I know I bought some of the 1999 652 Super Tacks a few weeks ago and it was like stepping back in time when I opened the box. I remember looking at those skates in Indianapolis when they first came out and the skate shop wanted like $220.00 bucks for them then. I bought them for $79.00.

Rick Henry

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Yes from what I understand the Sherwood E-Frame is a Red Star E-Frame that was made by Red Star for Sherwood. The Sherwood chassis also has a red star emblem and says E-Frame on the side. Red Star also made a gold colored E-Frame for Easton that looked pretty cool. The other E-Frame I have is one of the Red Star frames that Hockey World has been selling for $50.00 and I really like it so I ordered a couple of the Sherwood version.

Rick Henry

Also guys I wish I could post pics here. I have tried the Photo Bucket thing without success but I do have some skate pics and chassis mounting pics I would like to post.

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Red Star also made a gold colored E-Frame for Easton that looked pretty cool.

That was a cool frame. I looked high and low for a set of those with no luck. :(

I wish the red star magnesium frames (red) were still made...I want to put another set on my 2nd pair of skates. (or the gold ones if I could find a set)

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I agree the gold E-Frame looked really cool. I saw a set of the Easton skates on E-BAY a while back with the gold frame but they were up to like $50.00 when I saw them with a day or two left so I didn't bid. All I wanted was the chassis and I knew at the time you could get the silver E-Frame for $50.00 at Hockey World. I don't know what the final bid was on those skates.

You might try Hockey Outlet (HOCKEYOUTLET.COM) for the Red Star Alloy chassis. They didn't have it listed on their web site but when I talked to them on the phone a couple of weeks ago they told me they had a couple sets of Red Star Alloy chassis (the red ones) in medium for $49.00. Get the phone number from the web site and give them a call they may still have them.

Rick Henry

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saw that auction... i think it went up to 75 bucks or something... i could be wrong though...

am currently using S500 boots on a red star e frame... super sweet setup. Also waiting for those sprungs I've ordered from Keith to get to me... once they do, these with the e frames are gonna be my backups (until something else comes along)

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hey i called Hockey Outlet this afternoon as soon as Rick said they might have some alloys in stock... the guy said they had one set of larges and half of a set of smalls lol... i already got dibs on the smalls if he finds the other half of the set but if you're looking for a large and they're really 50 bucks (i didn't ask what the price was) thats a steal...

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Glad you called them and hopefully they can find the other small frame for you.

Happy New Year guys........

Rick Henry

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ha ya me too... im hoping they find it or i can find someone else who might have broken one so i can complete the set on my own...

so if anyone has only one red star alloy chassis... id be interested lol...

happy new years

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Anyone have any info on the Daoust skates, specifically the 701 Performance Skates? I'm talking in terms of how they fit (i.e. like Bauers or Grafs? and how stiff are they?). For $90, I wouldn't mind picking a pair up. TIA.

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for those of you who love going old school, flat frames you can put together a half way decent pair of skates right now for around 75-80 dollars, a little more if you have a shop mount them for you.

Hockeyworld.com - CCM 325 Tacks - 35 plus shipping

Hockeyoutlet.com - Final Force chassis - 10 plus shipping

Ebay - Red Star Snipers with bearings - 16 plus shipping

of course it only helps if the skates fit you, but not a bad deal for a mid level type skate.

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hey guys...

Been looking around for a while now at chassis, since i managed to snap the Mission MG chassis on my quattro's.

Seems like there is not a great choice out there, especially mission chassis. The only mission chassis i have found so far is the penatrator chassis on hockeygiant.

Im just looking for a new one, preferably mission that is lightweight, capable of hi-lo set up (72, 72, 80, 80) and fairly recent model - seems like mission don't offer any chassis anymore - is this right?

any recommendations? thanks...

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Mission hasn't sold seperate chassis in some time. Those Penetrators aren't all that bad, there's also Mission Generators on Hockeygear.com for 60 I believe. Scour ebay and some of the other sites and I'm sure you'll find something decent. Hockeyworld has Red Star E-Frames I believe.

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I bought a pair of the CCM 325 Tacks for my 11 year old from Hockey World. I put a TUUK Rocker chassis from Philbricks on them and they came out pretty nice. When I ordered them I thought they were CCM 352's but they were the 325's. A little different but they seem to be a pretty decent skate for the money and as fast as his feet grow and as hard as he seems to be on his skates $35.00 is a good price.

I also got the Sherwood E-FRAME chassis I ordered from Hockey Giant. I took the Red Star (silver E-Frame) off of my CCM 552 Super Tacks and bolted the black Sherwood E-Frame on. Another nice option when you mount a frame with bolts and T-nuts. I think the black frame looks better on the boot but I can always switch back if I want to because the mounting holes are the same. A great deal for $5.00.

Rick Henry

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Its kind of funny I had been waiting for the new Sprung chassis to come out because I wanted to mount a set on my new CCM 652 Super Tacks but then Hockey Giant had the Sherwood E-Frames for $5.00. I ended up buying 3 sets so here is what I have...........

CCM 755 Kevlar Tacks w/Sure-Grip H-400 chassis (from the mid 90's)

Bauer H-9 Pro's with Labeda MVP-Pro Hi/Lo chassis (from the mid 90's)

CCM 655 Super Tacks w/Sure-Grip H-405 chassis

CCM 552 Super Tacks w/Sherwood E-Frame (mounted w/bolts and T-Nuts)

CCM 4.5 Edge w/TUUK rocker frame (mounted w/bolts and T-nuts)

and soon CCM 652 Super Tacks w/E-Frame........

I guess I don't really need anymore skates or frames.........

Rick Henry

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Its kind of funny I had been waiting for the new Sprung chassis to come out because I wanted to mount a set on my new CCM 652 Super Tacks but then Hockey Giant had the Sherwood E-Frames for $5.00. I ended up buying 3 sets so here is what I have...........

CCM 755 Kevlar Tacks w/Sure-Grip H-400 chassis (from the mid 90's)

Bauer H-9 Pro's with Labeda MVP-Pro Hi/Lo chassis (from the mid 90's)

CCM 655 Super Tacks w/Sure-Grip H-405 chassis

CCM 552 Super Tacks w/Sherwood E-Frame (mounted w/bolts and T-Nuts)

CCM 4.5 Edge w/TUUK rocker frame (mounted w/bolts and T-nuts)

and soon CCM 652 Super Tacks w/E-Frame........

I guess I don't really need anymore skates or frames.........

You got some serious skates. What do you think about converting a ccm super tack 952 ice boot with either a sherwood frame or sprung frame. i just rec. 2 sherwood frames from hockey giant. I have some Genesis wheels with titanium bearings(mini). Converting tacks does not seem to be a problem does it? What did you think of the ccm edge 4.5?

Rick Henry

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so looks like the penetrators then i guess...any idea on weight? im guessing they won't be anywher near as light as the MG's i previously had?

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