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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best wishes for 2007

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Hey MSHers.

I wish you guys all the best for 2007. I hope you all have a good start into 2007, so dont drink too much! May your new year's pledge be fulfilled and i hope this year brings you and your loved ones best of health, prosperity, peace and happiness!

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Happy New Year All

Mom, I was actually going to start a thread on resolutions, but I guess I'll put mine here.

I wanna lose the gut (like most everyone seems to resolve to) , and get myself a better paying job in an office somewhere. No more bustin my hump for peanuts in the family business.

edit: and now I can look back this time next year and say "damn, I'll have to try again in '08"

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May everyone have a safe and healthy '07.

I'm not to sure on my resolutions, but I havent been going to the gym on a consistant basis lately, so I guess I'll go with that; Go to Gym regularly.

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Happy New Year everyone!

Anyone make any new year's resolutions?

Not repeat this past New Years experience. Kissed my roommates sister (18) at midnight. Somebody took a pictures and posted them online.

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