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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dog Names

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One of my dogs' name is Lucky, but on his papers he's "Raging Seas Poseidon". Yep, you read that right.

Even better though is my other dog's name. We couldn't ever decide on a name for him, so now he's just "puppy". He's about a year old now, and it doesn't look like we'll be giving him a real name afterall.

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I've always kinda thought you should get the dog first... their personality picks the name.

Apart from that... pick a name that you want to be shouting out loud in your neighbourhood. LOL, there's a guy who walks his dog in my local park and he calls out "Puffey, come here Puffey"

I was teasing him about it one day, saying I could tell this was his first dog because he clearly did not think it through.

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Exactly, the best name is going to come from how it looks or acts when you first get it. My dog looked like a balled-up fist so he got tagged with Knuckles.

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Since we have the link to the old topic and this looks like it's headed into the crapper, I'm going to lock it up.

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