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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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extending shafts for tall people

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just got a redlite XN10 shaft.. im 6'6" and play roller. i can manage a little smaller stick but what do people suggest for a max plug length before it gets ridiculous? haha...

i wanted a stick for replacing blades since buying wood sticks over and over is ridiculous (and most of them are way too short for roller with ABS blades) and im not forking cash for composites.

just asking or maybe if someone else who is tall has a suggestion.

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You've got an inch on me and I do well with just a standard wood extension. Not the ones that come/came on sticks but the replacement ones you can buy in stores.

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Back in the day I used to play with an Aluminium shaft with a full length extension. However due to the weight of the Aluminium shaft didn't really notice much negative effect (all the sticks were heavy then).

Fast forward to recently and luckily you can get shafts that are longer and so I can get away with a shorter extension roughtly 4 inches or so (dependant upon hosel length). However you can notice the difference in weight that it makes.....

So to answer your question - as long as your need, just keep in mind that as you extend the length of the shaft to the flex changes.

Hope this helps a bit.

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To add onto his post, they also have composite butt-ends now if weight/balance are an issue.

i'll also add that i just scored 2 composite butt ends on ebay for $7/ea shipped. the seller had a whole bunch, so you may wanna check there if you decide to go that route.

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awesome, tons of help!

i think im going to make my own plug from old hockey sticks for a little flair with ridiculous graphics from old sticks. haha

what sort of glue do you get for these. i seen the stuff on the websites but it doesnt say much for details. id like to just get some extra glue from the hardware store. is there anything specific?

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If you have a router table, chop one of your broken woodies to the length you need plus 3 inches. Take 1/16th off four sides, slap on some hot melt glue, and away you go. Price: Free. As an added bonus, if you're superstitious, you can prolong the life of that one lucky stick by making a plug out of it. I use a plug made from the very first hockey stick (a trusty old Sherwood with the Drolet signature) I got way back in grade 5 in 1979.

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just use one of your old broken sticks... shave a bit off and use that as an end plug.

you can also make a 'connector' (?)... something that is the same size as the hosel all the way, maybe 12 inch long. then insert about 6 inch into the shaft, and then connect that with another composite shaft... difficult to explain but saw a guy do that before...

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I would suggest the Oggie Grip, depnds on the what the lenght of the wooden endplug would be, if it's substantial the Oggie would be a better choice.

Nothing like a long heavy unflexible wooden buttend to ruin the feel of your shaft.

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just use one of your old broken sticks... shave a bit off and use that as an end plug.

you can also make a 'connector' (?)... something that is the same size as the hosel all the way, maybe 12 inch long. then insert about 6 inch into the shaft, and then connect that with another composite shaft... difficult to explain but saw a guy do that before...

i did this once.

it worked ok, but where the 2 were connected was really felxy and felt like it would break easily.

i wonder if you could send 2 of the same shafts to srs and if they could fuse them

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To add onto his post, they also have composite butt-ends now if weight/balance are an issue.

Composite butt-ends are excellent for the taller player as they add length to your stick without adding much weight. I really recommend them!

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To add onto his post, they also have composite butt-ends now if weight/balance are an issue.

Composite butt-ends are excellent for the taller player as they add length to your stick without adding much weight. I really recommend them!

If you don't mind spending a couple of dollars more for performance, I'd suggest the Oggie Grip. They enhance the flex of stick, as well as increase shot speed. Joe C wasn't quite sure why shot speeds were greater, but he presumed the enhanced flex must be in a position that is biomechanically more optimal; i.e., up by the wrist.

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I also recommend a composite but end. The wood ones break very easily if they are too long.

I have a long extension :P and it keeps getting loose on me. I guess i could do the tape on the tenon thing, but, so far I just re-heat it and it holds for a skate or so. It's a back up shaft so I don't worry about it much. But. Lately I've been using it for pond hockey, and I notice it more.

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That's because the glue is getting cold and breaking. I'd heat it up and tape the tenon since that won't be affected by temp.

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That's because the glue is getting cold and breaking. I'd heat it up and tape the tenon since that won't be affected by temp.

How long does the strip of tape have to be? Or, does that not really matter?

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What works for me is taping the side you need to add tape to, then going over the top and a little bit over on the opposite side. It prevents it from bunching up when you insert it.

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What works for me is taping the side you need to add tape to, then going over the top and a little bit over on the opposite side. It prevents it from bunching up when you insert it.

This holds well for you, even with a long(7 inches I think) extension?

I've taped blade tenons, but never done an extension, never needed to actually.

Thanks, BTW.

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Yeah, they break eventually but for the time being it stops the rattling/becoming loose problem. I want to try composites but I shave handles down.

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Cool, I'll try it tonight. I just bought a new heat gun, so I'll put it to use.

I usually don't need a long extension, but I have an original response C8 that I broke a while back. I cut it to fit standard blades, but it was too short to play with the regular butt end. I went and got a longer extension and it sat in my garage all last year and most of this, until I started playing pond hockey last week.

The rattling was kind of annoying me, but, I'd heat it up and it would stop temporarily. Thanks for the tips...

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