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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Dolo OPS Blade Replacement

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Just a quick question. I recently picked up a Warrior Dolomite OPS for a pretty decent price. I really just wanted the shaft and it was a 300 flex and I only needed to cut it an inch so it was the best of both worlds. Point being, its a Prostock stick, can the blade be replaced? Its already cracking.

The salesman at Perani's said it could, even if was a prostock stick. He said a tapered blade would fit. There is a faint line where you would expect the blade connect to the shaft.

Can I just take a heat gun to it and pull it out or is it more complicated?


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Unless it's a Mac Daddy painted up to look like a Dolomite, it's fused.

Do you know whose stick it is?

Its a Helminen(sp) or something like that, didn't really like the curve but it was as close to my regular curve and I liked the length. I removed the end cap and it said 1001T2.

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Dwight Helminen, I believe, NYR Prospect, unless there's another Helminen around.

As for removing the blade, I've read of some ppl habing trouble with pro sticks and blade removal, but it's apparently easier for the retail sticks. MissConduct had a few kaberle's and sold them. I don't think she converted them herself though. I believe Sicklife was a buyer and did the conversion. He had described the work he did at some point in one of the warrior threads.

(sorry to call you folks out. just let me know if you don't want to be in the post.)

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I've gone through three dolomites but all have been store bought, and the blades just pop right out. Since its pro stock they are probably different and more like OPS with dolomite graphics. Most pros use one piece sticks these days and when you look at the guys in the NHL they are mostly all using dolomites and not mac daddys so i'd say they are different and true OPS

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I've gone through three dolomites but all have been store bought, and the blades just pop right out. Since its pro stock they are probably different and more like OPS with dolomite graphics. Most pros use one piece sticks these days and when you look at the guys in the NHL they are mostly all using dolomites and not mac daddys so i'd say they are different and true OPS


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I've gone through three dolomites but all have been store bought, and the blades just pop right out. Since its pro stock they are probably different and more like OPS with dolomite graphics. Most pros use one piece sticks these days and when you look at the guys in the NHL they are mostly all using dolomites and not mac daddys so i'd say they are different and true OPS


Either way, im pretty sure its a two piece. Best stick ive ever used, if only I could find a ridiculous toe curve for it :lol:

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I recently bought 2 prostock Dolomite's. Both pretty clearly have fuse points that look as though the blade could be removed without too much trouble. They also have a nice toe curve, but I wouldn't refer to it as "ridiculous".

Pretty decent sticks for $40(US) each.

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Mind if i ask where you got them for that price?

Sorry it took me so long to respond.

They had a few Delmore Dolomite's @a LHS in W.Springfield, MA.

When I bought mine, they weren't out w/the rest of the sticks. In fact I wouldn't have noiticed them. Except some random guy told me about them(they were in the back)while I was browsing the sticks.

When I asked, the guy told me $40 each. There were a few that were definately used, but the 2 I got, looked new.

Last time I was there, there was like 2 left and they were marked $45. But like I said these were cleary used, they were taped and had puck marks.

Andy Delmore plays for the Springfield Falcons. The sticks have a pretty strait blade, with a toe curve. There's basically no loft and the lie is 5ish.

This place is my fav. LHS in my area. I bought a prostock Adrenaline shaft there as well for $45. They had some M. Jurcina prostock CCM(vector 120?) sticks as well.

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step 1, find the spot you need to cut it.

step 2, chisel out the yellow stuff

step 3. heat it till its really good & hot, & hope you can pound it on the floor & let the rest of the blade thats glued to the inside fall out of the shaft. if not, you will need to file it pretty good to get a spot cut inside where you can heat & pull, & eventrually when it's weak, heat & let it fall out.

after that it takes 5 minutes or so of filing before you can heat it to get a tapered blade to fit.

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since it seems like a lot of people are using warriors now, i thought i'd add my experience with my pro stock OPS dolomite.

i heated it up as much as i could and it was not coming out. i talked to someone before and they said that out of two dolomite OPS they had, one pulled out simply and the other was a bitch to take out. similar to the steps that sicklife posted. i hoped that i had the easy one, but it seemed that i didn't. so it was time to cut.

luckily i had a two piece that i could match it up with. i cut it at what i thought was the fuse point. but when i matched it up with the two piece, it seemed like it was a little higher. so i cut it where i thought i needed to hoping that somehow i would be lucky and not see the glue/plastic crap that some people have been talking about.

when i finished cutting i didn't see the yellow stuff so i was a little confused. i couldn't tell if there was anything inside the stick (i thought i would see something like glue). it looked like it was all stick. but the hole was too small to stick a blade in it. so i decided to heat it up for a while. as it heated up, i could see a line of separation between the black part and the shaft. i stuck a screwdriver in it and hit it with a hammer. it started coming out. i turned off the heat gun because when i stuck the screwdriver in, it looked like it was pushing hard against the shaft and i didn't want to damage it. so i didn't want it to heat up anymore.

when it cooled down, i tried to remove the black stuff. but it was really hard once it cooled down. it looked a little like fiberglass/plastic or something. it was very sticky when hot and when cold, it turned hard. i tried to hammer it out with the file, but not all of it came out. i used some needlenose pliers and pulled as much as i could. after about 30-40 minutes of more hammering, it finally all came out.

i didn't have to file it, and i stuck my warrior draper blade in without any issues.

thanks sicklife for the tip with the heat gun. that helped a lot. and hopefully this helps if anyone elses OPS is a little different.

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I know a AHL pro who say's he can easily feel a difference between a fused and true-ops.

Then I've heard manufactors claim there is no difference in performance between fused and monocomp OPS.

I'm not sure myself about performance, but at the rate ppl here on MSH break OPS blades and post topics/posts about removing the blade, where to cut, chisle etc. I believe it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to just buy a tapershaft/blade combo. Most guy's end up turning their OPS into taper shafts anyway.

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Mind if i ask where you got them for that price?

Sorry it took me so long to respond.

They had a few Delmore Dolomite's @a LHS in W.Springfield, MA.

When I bought mine, they weren't out w/the rest of the sticks. In fact I wouldn't have noiticed them. Except some random guy told me about them(they were in the back)while I was browsing the sticks.

When I asked, the guy told me $40 each. There were a few that were definately used, but the 2 I got, looked new.

Last time I was there, there was like 2 left and they were marked $45. But like I said these were cleary used, they were taped and had puck marks.

Andy Delmore plays for the Springfield Falcons. The sticks have a pretty strait blade, with a toe curve. There's basically no loft and the lie is 5ish.

This place is my fav. LHS in my area. I bought a prostock Adrenaline shaft there as well for $45. They had some M. Jurcina prostock CCM(vector 120?) sticks as well.

Gateway or Bertellis?

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