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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"wooden stick only" youth tournament

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Well, here's a new one for me. My son(squirt) is scheduled for a tournament this weekend, rumor has it as a twentieth year celebration the organizers are giving the players each a stick. Here's the catch, rumor around our rink last nite was that the sticks would then be taped and cut for each kid and they are then REQUIRED to use that stick in the tournament. Is this something that I have missed? I see the logic: at this age $100 or $10 doesn't make a huge difference which a kid has. BUT the kid who has a $10 stick at least its HIS/HER stick that they have played/practiced with etc....I know every kid will be in the same boat but talk about making things MORE uncomfortable for the kids whos first tournament it is....any thoughts?

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Look at it this way, you son's getting a free stick. Just explain to him the pros of playing with a wood stick (if he's using composite) and tell him to have fun.

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Good answer, but Santa brought a new stick he's been dying to try...I told him it doesn't change how you skate so just play your game and have fun...I dont have a big issue with the wood stick its just that we found out about this yesterday and the kids are being kids....(as I am..a little)

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Hmm...I guess I wouldn't have an issue with a "wood stick only" tournament so long as you got to pick the stick. I'd hate to have to switch to a different curve/lie. Dunno if it matters much at that age though.

Just kinda weird.

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Hmm...I guess I wouldn't have an issue with a "wood stick only" tournament so long as you got to pick the stick. I'd hate to have to switch to a different curve/lie. Dunno if it matters much at that age though.

Just kinda weird.

Lie makes a huge difference

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lie and curve may really mess with these young players. if little johhny has just learned to shoot it off the ground, he may not beable to shoot off the ground with a new stick.

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My buddy played on some competative baseball teams after high school and they went to a couple wooden bat tournaments where they had to use wood bats. This seems similar, except its with squirts so it shouldn't matter.

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My buddy played on some competative baseball teams after high school and they went to a couple wooden bat tournaments where they had to use wood bats. This seems similar, except its with squirts so it shouldn't matter.

wooden bat tourneys appear quite often. wooden stick tourneys on the other hand....

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Woodie tournaments in baseball were awesome, then I played in a summer league where only half the teams used wood bats and the difference was frightening.

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We are 2-1 and in the semi finals against our association's other squirt team which we have defeated several times...after an intial adjustment and quite a few fannings on the puck the consesus has been it hasn't REALLY been a problem

Everybody got the same stick and it is a Christian with a pretty decent curve. Kids always like new stuff and they adjusted quite well, good for tape sales at the rink here with custom tape jobs and colors etc. nice idea the organizers had...keep you posted.


LOST after double overtime and five person shootout(2-1) came down to last skater of the first group of five...guess we got our teams even. Great game. 1-1 after regulation.

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